
As an American married to a Brit is there any reason that I should not apply for a British Passport?

by Guest64734  |  earlier

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Will I have any problems in the future having 2 passports and will the USA ask me to give up my American citizenship because I want to be elsewhere?




  1. No problems and the US allows dual citizenship.  

  2. I've been wondering the same thing (only I'm Canadian). I know that I can be a dual citizen and I'm pretty sure you can too. The main reasons to do it sooner rather than later is that the price keeps going up and the red tape keeps increasing. You may have to wait until the 3 year mark of being in the UK, depending on your case. Check with the IND in Croydon.

  3. You might as well do it. The US govt. will not ask you to give up your US citizenship as you are allowed to have dual citizenship. If you wife became a US citizen she would be expected to give up her British citizenship but they don't enforce that.

    The downside is that America will always consider you as a citizen no matter what other citizenship you may have, the same goes for the UK. You may find it awkward if you travel and need consular help but that is unlikely. Whether you take UK citizenship or not, you do need to file US tax returns every year or you will be chased by the IRS.

  4. I'd do it soon, the UK will be run by Muslims before long.

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