
As an Army family, do we have our home study done by the state we are currently stationed in?

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We really want to adopt a child (we have one biological child of our own who is almost 5) as we have already been so blessed with our own and know that so many kids are in need. Since my husband is currently stationed in Virginia, would we have our home study done by someone with the state of Virginia? Our permanent residence is in the state of Maine. I am just starting to research adoption so please bear with me. Thanks a lot! :-)




  1. Yes, the home study has to be done by a licensed social worker/agency  who is licensed in the state where you currently live.  A home study is a time sensitive document and in most states good for one year.  If you know you are moving within the year you should wait.

  2. I would guess it would be in the state you live in. But they will do background checks on past locations.  Your residence would be considered Virginia for all legal purposes.

  3. good luck

  4. As an army wife the only thing i can say is good luck!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Call ACS or Social Work Services on your Post to get the answer to your questions!  Overseas they are the ones that do the home studies (social work services) but I am pretty sure they don't do them stateside.  I would start w/ Social Work Services or try FAP (Family Advocacy Program).  If they are of no help then contact JAG.

    Good luck to you!

  6. yes your state your in now and when you move you will have to start over.

  7. My answer may not be much help, but I was interested in your question.  That is a good question...How long have you been in VA and how long to you plan or expect to be there before moving on?  I would suspect you would get the homestudy done in the state you currently reside...but be sure that the agency you choose is licensed in such a way that your homestudy will be transferrable to another state.  Once you adopt you will have to have an agency supervise you for usually 6 months after the adoption, too.

    Best wishes to you and your family on this and I hope you are able to make your family complete through adoption.  We just completed our second adoption and are soooo happy!!!

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