
As an Australian, are you tired of Rudd's victory tour ???

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As an Australian, are you tired of Rudd's victory tour ???




  1. No I'm not but I haven't paid any attention to it . I suppose I should've but I've been to busy doing my thing for the love of our Country. How about you. I hope  the tour is successful .

  2. yes

  3. Why should we be tired of it, we've had to put up with monkey face Howard for like 12 years.  We deserve this victory.

  4. No, he's doing his job representing our interests abroad. I'm not entirely sure about Rudd himself, but he's a lot better than that lying sleazebag Howard.

  5. no but sour grapes gets old real fast...

  6. I just think Rudd is sly. There something that just doesnt sit right with me about him. I'm cool with the tour, but theres just something about that guy I dont trust.

  7. the tour doesnt annoy me but he sure does. he's so cocky and he acts all arrogant. CANT STAND HIM!!

  8. No he is introducing himself to the world which can only be good for Australia because he is letting them know that little Johnny is a distant memory.

  9. Since I tend to ignore politicians I don't care whether he's in Bungewogerai or Berlin.

  10. the  tour  is  fine!!

    its  Rudd  im  really  not  satisfied with.

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