
As an Ex military person can I stand in front of a military base in my old uniforms?

by  |  earlier

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And carry a sign that says " This ashamed vet is embarrassed for his country".




  1. damnit Erudite!

    fine, yes you can only if your not wearing you uniform, they will lock you up otherwise, they even have fake drills in front of the gates to see how the Security Forces/MP's will handle it, you might get something thrown at you or worse

  2. No you can not the only time a former military person can wear his/her military uniform is if they are a retiree of at an official military function. It can never be worn to protest the government in any way. Even if you are still in the military you cant wear a uniform to protest anything.  

      You have the right to protest you just can not do it in a military uniform.

    If you are so ashamed you are free to get the f*** out of the country.  Many veterans fought and died for you to have that right.  I am ashamed that you once wore a military uniform.

  3. Yes. Of course, you may not be able to stand just anywhere. You can't block traffic or cause some sort of hazard. But you should have the right to simply stand there with a sign in your old uniform.  

  4. freedom of speech

  5. I think so. freedom of speach and assembly right. its probaly not going to be fun.

  6. Yes - you have the right to criticize our government - but given my three sons (and thousands of others) are presently serving in the military to give you that right - why don't you rethink your position.

  7. of course u can u have served the country and y cant they just let u stand they must call u for a tea party ,no objections u can do it .

  8. No you can't.

    And if you're active duty and do it- you'll be discharged.

    Retiree Uniform Restrictions:

    Wear of the member's uniform is prohibited for all retirees:

        * In connection with the promotion of any political or commercial interests or when engaged in off duty civilian employment. Reserve technicians who are also members of the Ready Reserve may wear their uniform at their option while on duty in their civil service status.

        * When participating in public speeches, interviews, picket lines, marches, rallies, or public demonstrations, except as authorized by competent authority.

        * When wearing the uniform would bring discredit upon the Uniformed Services.

        * When specifically prohibited by DoD Regulations.

    If there is any doubt about wearing the uniform to a function, the commander of the nearest installation should be contacted. Retirees in a foreign country should contact the American Embassy, the American Consulate, or a U. S. military authority. The Retirement Services Officer can also provide information and assistance.

    You have the constitutional right to do the protest... but you can't do it with your old uniform on- sorry.

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