
As an adult, would you go back to school given the chance?

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Or did you hate it so much, you would never go back.

I would like to go back, and do it again.......properly this time




  1. Yes. Yes. Yes. Even the bad times were good.

    You realise when you get a bit older, that your school days are the best.

    'Youth is wasted on the young' my dad used to say. How right he was.

  2. i'd go back & study my *** off.

    i ruined my gpa because of all the slacking & skipping school.

    i'd definatly go back.

  3. Of course go back!!! It's never as difficult as an adult, because you have good reasons to be there. And you've gotten past the teen hormone stage and peer pressures of high school-age kids. You will be amazed at how easy everything is, because you've learned a lot just being an adult. Go back to school! You'll love it!

  4. I'd loved to do it all again knowing what l do today!

  5. Yes, I did a mediocre exam & I know I could have done better but it got me into University at 21 and right now if I had the money I'd be back to Uni like a shot to do a second degree in either Sociology or Psychology or a masters.  

  6. high school? never. I did it properly and still hated it. Confined, narrow minded, teachers who never gave you credit for trying to think outside the box. Urrghh. And don't get me started on uniforms.

    University on the other hand was a blast from start to finish. Cool people, new ideas, the excitement of real learning. I would go back tomorrow.

  7. Nope i hated it that much that i wouldn't go back. I loved to learn new things but to be confined with immature children again would be my worst nightmare!

  8. I would go back in a flash. I regretted leaving when I was sixteen. I thought I was a fully fledged adult and able to tackle the world with my three O-Levels. I have managed to be in full time employmant ever since, but would probably be happier if I had chosen to stay on in school and get better qualified. I believe that I would be in a job that I had chosen for myself, rather than the one which I was able to get into. I was given the chance by my employer to do an SVQ a couple of years ago and I absolutely loved the challenge of learning again...

  9. What a good question

    I would go back even though i hated it and try and learn something this time

  10. Matter of fact, I am 40 years old and going to a university. Trying to fix the wrong by not getting my degree 20 years ago and I am almost finished.  

    It is never too late to learn. What motivates me is seeing people older than myself carrying books, taking classes, and when ceremonies for graduation arrives they are participating in them.

    Go back to school :-)

  11. yea, definately - that work was easy, unfortunately i didnt realise that til i left n went to uni!! now i wish for those simple times!!

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