
As an atheist, do you find this joke funny?

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It's Dane Cook joking about atheism.

The first time I watched it I found it hilarious, but somewhat insulting.

I watched it again after reading a ton of questions on here, and find it even more funny and insulting at the same time.

What do you think?




  1. aa i rmember watchin this a while ago... i think its funny whateva relgion or non religion u are

    i think he messed up on the reincarnation bit tho

  2. His jokes were a little lame.  Not offensive and not funny.

  3. Personally I find him ok, not the best out there. Joke ain't not bad, kinda chuckled.

  4. he's quite funny, that's all.

  5. Not offensive, but not funny. I honestly don't like his brand of comedy.. tacky stuff.  

  6. A man that understands satire completely.

  7. Man, he takes waaaay too long to make his point. Aside from that, how is it insulting? It is a freaking joke. A lame, drawn-out joke.

  8. I thought Dane Cook was supposed to be a comedian -- I didn't so much as crack a smile the entire time...

  9. I agree it is pretty funny but still insulting.

    I don't usually tell people that I turn into a tree, I usually say nothing happens.

  10. Slow, drawn-out delivery of poor material.

    (and he appears to be nearer describing an pantheist, anyway.)  So, not much of anything, either way.

    Go find the late, great, Dave Allen, who could dissect atheists and Christians both.  With style.

    (of an atheist's wake: "All dressed up and nowhere to go.")

    Or George Carlin. (The double-barreled shotgun of satirical sniping)

  11. Too boring to be insulting, the last couple of mins made me smile:)

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