
As an atheist, what controversial questions should i ask the priest?

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I'm goin to a church thing tomorrow night out of curiosity. I need some suggestions from my fellow atheists.

Give me some questions that I should ask the priest. Questions that he will most definitely not be able to answer logically and in the process be totally humiliated in front of the whole audience of Christians.

This is a serious issue. Give me your best questions/arguments. Fellow Atheists only.




  1. ask for a beer  

  2. How many boys he has raped that week.

  3. Why would you deliberately want to be so disrespectful?

    I am also an atheist, but I try to have some respect for people who hold beliefs other than my own.

    Leave the priest alone.  There is no justifiable reason for trying to embarrass him in front of his congregation.  Besides, since he has the "home field" advantage, his congregants are unlikely to see things your way and, to them, you will look like the fool.

  4. first, the whole church wont hear because youd have to ask him before or after. and he would probably just tell you what he thinks.

  5. I am an atheist..I don't think s******g around with and mocking anothers religion is the right thing to do, it's actually very petty.

    I'm not sure why you feel the need to humiliate another person because he/she holds different beliefs.

    You can ask a hundred different questions and I guarantee you he/she will have an answer for each one and if he/she doesn' won't see humiliation on his/her face. It's not going to be "fun" as you think.  

  6. Honestly, no. I will not help you humiliate a person. Sorry.

  7. Ask him what made him a Christian/when/why/how

    also ask for proof


  8. Why would you want to go bother a priest?

  9. Ask him why does the Catholic Church in the form of the Vatican, hoard billions upon billions of £'s whilst the poor Catholics throughout the world die of disease and starvation, whilst the hierarchy live in palaces and wear expensive gowns.

  10. Always choice to go the Ali G route:

    - So, is you against abortion because you yourself was aborted?

    - So, you ain't never got a ho preggers? Is that 'cause you use connies, or does you fire blanks?

  11. Ask him to tell you whether or not God's role in the 2004 tsunami cancels out every tiny little good thing he gets credit for in the world. If so, why worship him? If not, how does the tsunami and its 300,000 innocent victims fit into his divine plan?

  12. I have one!! I'm not atheist but I'm wiccan so I pretty much do the same thing. This question actually got me kicked out of church.

    You need to ask the priest if Adam and Eve had belly buttons. Since, technically speaking, if they were created from so called "clay" or whatever the bible says then they wouldnt have belly buttons because they were never in a womans womb. I can guarantee it'll either p*ss him off or get you kicked out. and humiliate them all at the same time lol

  13. First you need to consider whether you are an atheist or an agnostic. You are an atheist if you can prove that God does not exist. If you can prove it, I would love to meet you! If not then you are an agnostic, which means you don't know for sure but you don't believe anyways... someone educated in Theology (like a priest or pastor) might confront you on that...

    Secondly, you have to understand that much of the Christian theology defies logic and is based on faith. I don't think you will humiliate him because the Christian audience also has this faith and will understand the priest's answers to your questions.

    Sorry I am not an atheist, but I do believe in your right to choose and will not push my religion on you :) I have a masters level degree in theology and I thought I would just help you out a bit. Good luck

  14. Ask him how many little boys he's got hidden under his robe.

  15. " It doesn't seem to me that this fantastically marvelous universe, this tremendous range of time and space and different kinds of animals, and all the different planets, and all these atoms with all their motions, and so on, all this complicated thing can merely be a stage so that God can watch human beings struggle for good and evil - which is the view that religion has. The stage is too big for the drama. "

    --- Feynman, 1959 Interview (From Genius by James Gleick)

    Ask him to explain that without "God works in mysterious ways"

  16. You are the one who will be humiliated.  

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