
As an ebay seller can i end a auction someone has placed a bid on?

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someone has made an offer and i said i would accept but just as i went to end acution someone bidded. can i still end the acution? if i do, do i have to sell it to the bidder? or does it end the auction compeltly and the bidder is notified that the item has ended. Like maybe even if i changed my mind about selling the item, what happens then




  1. yes you can end the auction

    even if somehas placed a bid on it. if they have u have two options. you can end the auction all together and cancel the bids placed or you can end the auction and sell to the higgest bidder

  2. cancel bid first:

    then end auction:

  3. As a seasoned user of ebay with more than 5 years history, rules have changed. You used to be able to just end the item with a good reason, but if you have bids on it now, the only justifiable reason to end it would be the options that are given to you by ebay when you try to end it before time. Personally I would let the item run its course as the winning bidder will expect to receive his item.

  4. Well, you do have a few options here....

    1. You can end the auction early, just say something like... item is damaged, or no longer available.  Then, proceed and do whatever you want.

    2. You can actually cancel the bids on your item.  Some people cancel bids from members who have negative feedbacks, or similar.  Then, once those bids are canceled, you can add a buy it now for the person you want to sell it to, or just end it, and give the same excuse - damaged, or no longer available.

    Thanks for reading!

  5. It sounds as though you were about to do an 'off-eBay' deal with the person who made you an offer - this isn't allowed

    You can't end your listing without good reason - changing your mind isn't one of them, nor is selling off-site

    If someone has placed a genuine bid and you mess them around by ending the listing without good cause, they'll probably report you as a 'non performing seller' which may well cause you problems if you want to list in future

    Almost more important than these points though, is that if you're selling a mobile phone, or other higher value item, the chances are that you're about to do an off-site deal with a scammer in which case you'll lose your money and your item.  

    If you are selling a mobile, etc, do sell on site and do make sure that the money show in your PayPal account before you post the item.  Don't rely on emails telling you that you have the money and don't send to Nigeria.

    If it's not a mobile, laptop, jewellery, etc  ignore the previous two paragraphs, but the rest still stands.

    Play by the rules, you'll be safer if you do.

    If you need any more help with this ask here

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