
As anybody heard of those 8 teen girls beating up one girl on a video?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not even an adult yet and that concerned me so much.

What the h**l is going on with kids nowadays?

Is that america's future?

If you peeps have opinions just comment..

Peace <3




  1. Yeah, I&#039;ve heard of the video. I also heard that all the kids are in the process of paying for it as well.

    It&#039;s sad.

  2. this stuff has been going on forever.

    The only thing new is cheap video cameras available to record it and perhaps there are a higher percentage of females doing it now.  Before it was mostly males who got into fights.

    Americans are (rightly) more sympathetic towards seeing a girl getting physically harmed like this.  If it was a boy getting the c**p beat out of him, people wouldn&#039;t even care.

    They would say it was &quot;gang related&quot; , next issue ...

  3. Third Graders planning to stab teacher

    10 and 11 year old shatter little girls hip

    Don&#039;t know what&#039;s happening.  But America&#039;s youth seems to be accepting violent behavior.

  4. sorry but i don&#039;t think this would create as much outrage and &quot;what&#039;s wrong with america&quot; questions had the victim been black. Dont get me wrong it&#039;s still awful

  5. America&#039;s future is really scary... crimes beggin in a very early ages,....I think video games has a big days mostly kids spent hours on video games everyday which content mostly crimes...killing ,shooting, being trained to do crimes...really scary..I hope somebody do something for our future generation.

  6. omg i know!

    it is sooo sad=(

    i hope they get in jail for 15 years that will teach them a little lesson.

  7. Yes, they showed a portion of the video on the Today show this week.  It was actually 6 girls who took part, two of the girls did most of the beating, and 2 boys stood outside the house as &quot;lookout.&quot;  At one point, the boys told the girls to keep it down b/c the neighbors might hear &amp; call police.  The girl who took the beating had a concussion &amp; lost hearing &amp; sight on one side.  This was all b/c she posted some rude comments about the other girls on her myspace account.  Unbelievable!  They were incredibly stupid to tape the video, as well.  I hope they get the maximum punishment allowed by law.

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