
As anyone got any old fashioned cleaning tips?

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does anyone know how to make your own cleaning products and if so do they work well and are they ok to use where animals are?

thank you in advance




  1. Vinegar is good not just for windows, but if you have pets and they have an accident or sick in the house vinegar takes away bad smells as well as cleans.  Another one for stains is just washing up liquid, especially for the washing machine, rub some washing up liquid into the stain, put it into the washing machine and 99% of stains will come out.

  2. The first is a must have in your laundry room. My mother in law gave me a bar of soap when I moved in with her son almost twenty years ago. It's called Naptha, a large gold colored block of soap that has been around forever. It comes in wax paper and I call it the soap from h*ll. It has never failed me.

    I dampen a stain or spot with water or pre-wash, rub the bar of soap on the stain, mush the material around and then wash in cold water. This soap has taken out grease, oil (motor oil and cooking oil), red wine and blood. I have even been able to take out some stains that got past me and went through the dryer, where they were set.

    The next is lemon and salt. It cleans copper and brass better than any commercial product. Pour salt on the item, cut a lemon in half and rub it all over the salted area. The copper and brass clean up immediately and, unlike the commercial products, do not remove any of the metal.Just rinse under warm water and dry.

    The last is salt by itself. This is a  trick to remove stains before they hit the laundry basket. Add a drop of water to the spot and douse it with salt, really pile the salt on. The salt will absorb the liquid and with it the stain. When the salt dries just wipe it away. This is a really handy thing to know when you are out and spill on yourself. I saved a pair of white canvas espadrilles from red wine stains with salt.

  3. The best one I found was to use olive oil and lemon juice as wooden furniture polish. I think it's mixed in a 1:1 ratio. It smells divine and you can even eat it if you feel the urge!

  4. Take a look at the page given below. There is a whole of list of old fashioned cleaning tips given which are also eco-friendly.

  5. A good one for shiny smudge free windows!

    Us balled up newspaper and vinegar/water mix. It polishes your windows up a treat! If you ever get around to doing it, unlike me :(

  6. Vinegar is brilliant for glass especially if wiped off with newspaper sorry that's all i know

  7. Bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) is great to clean and remove odours from your fridge!

  8. srunched up newspaper and lemon juice.

    Use the lemon juice as a window cleaner

    Use the newspaper as a cloth..

    It leaves glass/windows spotlesss


  9. vinegar cleans loads, You ought to watch that TV program  

  10. Vinegar is good but it has to be white vinegar but it does tend to stink the house out. The only other thing I know is you are not meant to dust with a duster, you are meant to do all the dusting with your hoover. Makes sense I suppose.

  11. I know this really good old fashioned cleaning spray. It is just vinegar and water, shake it up, and then put it in a spray bottle. It is wonderful around anything animals, children, whatever. I have two crazy cats and they are fine with it, and the best part is it is non-toxic. You can use the spray to wash windows, tubs, showers, tile, etc.  

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