
As benefit reform, seems to be the topic of the moment?

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What do you make of this story?

This woman had £46,000 in the bank and was claiming Income Support for 13 years!! I don`t know people in work who have that sort of savings!!

They are arguing that she has a social phobia?? Didn`t stop her selling her story about her daughter Kerry to the tabloids did it? Exactly the sort of person, who needs targeting with benefit reform?

What do you think?




  1. This Government and the rest of their cronies in the House of Commons are a hypocritical bunch of b astards! The only  want to get people off benefits is so that there's more in the trough for THEM to cream off! It's easy for them, with their fat-cat salaries and  - in some cases, expenses far, far higher than the salaries - to sit back and attack some of the most vulnerable people in the country. It's about high time something was done about this lot. They should remember just WHO put them where they are and in effect, who they are answerable to!!!!!! That's right - the TAXPAYERS!

  2. that money that she stole from you and me could have paid for several nurses or gone to a hospice for sick kids, it is money she stole from everyone and she should be forced to give up all her savings and possesions to pay it all back. greedy phobia, that's a new one on me, perhaps we could find her a job in a lighthouse, stupid cow. x

  3. I agree with you entirely.

    Are you really Yasmin le Bon? I'm sorry for the hate mail I sent when you stole...I mean...married Simon.

    Well, you're real life I am indeed extremely young and extremely beautiful. Ahem.

  4. Not too greedy then?! FFS

    Keyboard Rambo, whilst I sympathise with your situation I have been at work all day with no access to a computer and now I want to chill here and sit and moan about those that cant ever be arsed to look for a job, NOT those that cant find a job.

  5. She should be forced to pay it back.....

  6. Had to smile at the judge's remark on her phobia:

    The district judge replied: "Lots of people have social phobia when it comes to coming before the court."

  7. yes definitely!!!

    they should just be a tiiiiny bit vigilant, and they'll save us millions!!!

    but no, it's not their job. it's someone else's job.. someone else who isn't paid much and spend so much time with peopple mooching off the govt that they start to do the same by not doing their own job

  8. i feel sorry for ppl like you

    you let the govt and the newspapers brainwash you into thinking benefit cheats are a massive problem

    when really its rich people who dont pay tax that cheat the country out of far more money than benefit cheats

    your contempt is aimed at totally the wrong ppl

    and while it is the govt and rich ppl are laughing all the way to the bank

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