
As deadline looms, Chicago Cubs offer contracts to five players – MLB News

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As deadline looms, Chicago Cubs offer contracts to five players – MLB News
The Chicago Cubs, facing the deadline for tendering contracts to arbitration-eligible players have reportedly tendered contracts to five of their players. This is expected to strengthen the roster without leaving any major gaps in it.
Those who have been tendered contracts, however, do not include catcher Koyie Hill. That will automatically turn him into a free-agent now. Others who have gotten contracts include Ian Stewart, Matt Garza, Randy Wells, Jeff Baker and Blake DeWitt.
After the arrival of Theo Epstein, the president of baseball operations and the likes of Jed Hoyer and Dale Sveum, the Chicago Cubs have rediscovered the energy and zeal they were looking for. This year, the Cubs failed to win laurels from the critics owing
to the performance which was substandard.
The team lost no less than 90 games throughout the season. However, the likes of Dale Sveum and others who have recently joined the coaching staff are expected to completely change the outlook of the team in the days to come.
Among the five players is DeWitt, the 26-year-old player who had an average of .265 in the 121 games that he appeared in this year. He had a total of 26 RBIs to his credit and five homers.
On the other hand, Baker had his appearance in the 42 games. Having had .269 ERA with 23 RBIs to his credit in the 81 games and three homers, he could have easily made his way into the team.
The 28-year-old Garza lost 10 games and won 10 in the 31 games that he appeared. He maintained an ERA of 3.32 in the 31 games throughout the season.
Wells, all the same, could appear in only 23 games, having a 4.99 ERA and losing six of those games to win only seven. His strained right arm rendered him unable to play for the team.
The player who became a free agent, Hill, had 38 starts in the 46 games that he appeared in. With a .194 average, he could not win the laurels of the critics and failed to keep his name in the list of players who got offered contracts.



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