
As estimated energy bills carry a Govt OOPS warning, what best to do B4 winter worsen it even more? Saver tip?

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Warning on estimated power bills

Energy customers with estimated bills could be racking up debts of hundreds of pounds without realising it, according to Citizens Advice.

The charity says thousands of people have got in touch over their estimated gas and electric bills.

In the worst cases people have found they owed over £1,000 when they thought their direct debits were covering their energy costs.

It blamed the problem on spiralling tariffs and billing issues.

Actual usage

Tony Herbert, a senior policy officer with Citizens Advice, said with energy costs forecast to rise further this winter, the problem is likely to get worse.


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  1. you bet yeh......,dude

  2. What's with all the diatribe?.

    Why not just advise people to check their meters regularly to keep an eye on their own consumption.

    The 2 comparison sites are good, unfortunately many people just don't bother to look at them.

    I've changed twice in the last few years, but don't know one other person that has done so.

    And what have freelance and creative writers to do with it??!!

    Yes I get the di a tribe.

    Would the creative writing save them from becoming hod carriers???  The literary world is a tough one to make a living in.

    Good Luck with the endeavours anyhow.  x*x

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