
As far as we know right now, which team FAILED

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to do anything to help themselves at the deadline?

Did anyone fail worse then the Red Sox?




  1. If Griffy is playing in the Center Field for the White Sox, then the White Sox REALLY FAILED.

  2. The Big Loser in the Deadline is Seattle. They didn't trade any player to other teams except for Rhodes to FLA. They would have received good young talent for guys like Washburn, Bedard, Beltre, and Ibanez. They gave up way too much to acquire Bedard from the Orioles, and he didn't live up to the hype because of injuries. They should have tried to trade him and get some talent back in return instead of staying with him for the rest of the season. At the beginning,I expected them to be contending with LAA but they aren't even close to that. They will be behind LAA and Texas for the next 4 or 5 years because Texas has done a great job of acquiring young talent for the past two years. They have a good young team that might run over the Angels next year. The Braves did good in trading Teixeira, and the Yankees made a few good moves.

    About Manny, I have to say that trying to trade him is a dumb move. I know that he can be a pain in the a$$ for your management, but they wont get anything nearly as good as him in return. They should work things out through the end of the season, and then let him go.

    The Cards now have Carpenter back, and will have Wainwright back. I believe Wainwright will come back as their closer because of their struggling bullpen. I think they should have been more aggressive trying to trade for a good reliever. Will Ohman was available, Arthur Rhodes was available and they didn't try for it. Their bullpen is their main concern and neither the Brewers or Cards have a bullpen as good as the Cubs'.

  3. Cardinals. How do they not get anyone to help their struggling bullpen???

  4. I think the cards failed.  

  5. yea KZ got it pretty good with teh Cardinals and that bullpen.

    I think the Mets needed a corner OF and the Dbacks/Dodgers need another bat. Red Sox needed to do something. Any team in a close divisional race that hasn't done anything to me has failed.

    So disappointed by the Sox! AAAHHHHHHH

  6. manny is gonna stay in boston, its just the same c**p every year, they say they're trade him but never do

  7. Mariners.

  8. I wouldnt say the failed. Who really failed was probably the D Backs. There in the race for the NL west and do absolutely nothing at the deadline...

  9. I think that the Cardinals are up there.

    With the Cubs and Brewers both making blockbuster trades for ace pitchers and the Cards doing nothing, they're really gonna have a tough time keeping up.

  10. Manny didn't have Heart while playing for Boston...he was being a selfish jerk and acted like he was better than the team...what makes you think they failed?...They didn't..They did the Right thing....he was a total ****

  11. not sure about the mets, because im not sure if not making any moves will help or hurt the team

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