
As female nominees, both past and present, who do you favor?

by Guest32615  |  earlier

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Sarah Palin or Hillary Clinton?




  1. There is no excuse (short of sheer ignorance) for supporting Sarah Palin for ANY important public office. Her dishonesty--along with her sarcasm and immaturity--make her immensely unqualified. She is a very dangerous person who has no business near the vice-presidency or the presidency.

  2. As a public speaker, Palin crushes Clinton.

    In terms of policy, and what is best for the country, the gap is even wider, Palin all the way.

  3. Sarah Palin !!  

  4. Hillary was never a nominee on a major VP ticket.  The only other female nominee was Geraldine Ferraro

  5. I liked Palin the other day but am not sure now.  Here is what a lady in her hometown said about her.

    I am beginning to think Palin is not such a nice person.

    I always thought Hillary was capable of anything she wanted to do though.

  6. Palin is the best thing to come to politics since I can remember.

  7. Neither one.

  8. Palin!!! There is no comparison to her and Hillary, I'm not even sure if Hillary is a female. Condi would get my vote or Margret Thatcher but given time and even more experience she will surpass them.  

  9. Hillary.  As President.

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