
As gas hikes, does your commute seem further?

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Have you changed any of your habits because of gas prices? Car-pooling? Public transport?




  1. My commute actually seems shorter because it takes me less time to get to work eventho I'm driving slower. My driving habits have changed. I "hypermile" no faster than 55, use brakes as little as possible (coast to make green lights, next in line at stop signs, etc), leave the AC off unless I need it (but shut it off after a couple of minutes). When I "hypermile" I don't do anything dangerous or illegal, like drafting semi trucks. If I get caught by the light I kill the engine until a few seconds before the light changes to green again.

    In "normal" driving my car ('06 Toyota Corolla w/ auto tranny) averages 35 mpg in mixed driving. According to my rough calculations I'm getting about 45mpg right now. Won't know what the true mpg until I fill up.

    I don't car pool or use public transportation because there are no pick-up/drop-off locations within walking distance of my home or workplace.

  2. No, just cost me alot more.  I drive 100 miles round trip every day through the week.  I can't carpool with anyone other than my wife because of the few people who drive the same route I drive and have the same hours.  Thank goodness we can ride together or it would be awful. It is costing me around $400 a month in gas...ughhhh....that is with a vehicle with 28 mpg.

  3. No,No and No

  4. Yes to first question.  I limit my trips to essentials.  I try to combine errands into one trip.  No to car-pooling.  No to public transportation.  Not running during my morning commute.  Also my work schedule varies.  Plus if I did use the bus the travel distance would increase from 30 minutes to one hour.  With the drier weather I have been able to commute with my motorcycle.  Last tank 32 mpg verses 18 mpg with my van.

  5. People seem to be driving a bit slower to save gas, so it seems to take a bit longer, volume of traffic seems lighter also.

    I think that my 40 mile commute takes about 5 minutes longer now.

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