
As good as this camera sounds,is it true?

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Right now I have a Canon PowerShot A560 7.1 megapixles.I use this at concerts and shows mainly but all my pictures come out blurry or the settings just don't work well at the concerts and shows(usually dim lighting) and when im close to a good shot something messes it up.this new camera I want,I usually check the sunday ads for good deals,and even ebay,but I was on Wal and found this Kodak I forget what kind it was 12 megapixles for $179. and the reviews were high and some posted there pictures from the camera and they were great so should I get this while I have the advantage to a cheap high quality cam? or should I keep saving and wait for something else?

Also they don't have this at my local Wal Mart so I can't test it.




  1. It seems like a good deal. It has an image stabilizer, which may help. MSRP is $229. It sounds like it takes pretty good photos, but may not be ideal for dim light. Steve's Digicams does thorough reviews. Check out the links below.

  2. No digicam is really suited to low-light, non-flash photography unless you have it mounted on a tripod and you're photographing a stationary object like a city skyline.

    If you're 10' or less from the stage you might get some pictures but if you use the flash you may attract Security and A) get kicked out after they confiscate your media card or B) have your camera confiscated, never to be seen again.

    Also, beware of the "megapixel hype" from clever marketing. Stuffing more pixels into a tiny sensor does not mean better image quality. Go to and type 'pixel packing' in the Search box.

    A humble 6 megapixel DSLR will simply blow away a 10 or 12 megapixel digicam in terms of image quality. At ISO 400 and above the difference will be even greater.

  3. no no no no no.....never ever ever get a kodak! ever! what u need is a better canon or even a nikon. if you doing dim lighting then get one with a really high ISO! the higher ISO the better the pic will come out in low light. or try the night setting on your cam. o and if your trying to get pics of the stage with your cam its not gonna work on any camera unless u have a reallllllllllllly long zoom (like 10-15x) and it still wont be amazing or an dslr with a HUGE flash!

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