
As i read the surfing magazine, most of the surfers are white. why aren't there hawaiian or asian surfers?

by Guest32606  |  earlier

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After all, hawaiian surfers are one of the best in the world. Is this has to do with racial thing? Is the media prefers white surfers rather than other race groups because of their model looks? its really funny.




  1. alot of surfers are hawaiian, there are no racial issues in surfing! anyne can do it

  2. my god you must be kidding.  you obviously never go to the beach?  correct?  and what sort of media are you watching?

    model looks= a ton of dedication to a repetitive training process using muscles in your body that you don't even know exist.

  3. Huh?  We live in germany.  I'm hawaiian and have never spent time talking about hawaii and hawaiian surfers with my son.  We have windsurfed here in germany.  My son seems to know many of the local hawaiian surfers by name even though he has never surfed waves.  I mean we can get into a discussion as to who is hawaiian.  I mean robby naish is haole, but everyone in the world sees him as hawaiian.  The foti brothers who are paddlers are considered hawaiians although they are haoles in hawaii.  Good these are not surfers although they have surfed.  Getting to hawaiians with or without blood.  There are enough of those surfers with blood who are getting page time.

    I remember buzzy kerbox made a short living modeling, and I don't think he ever won a major competition.  I don't think the surfer magazines are picking and choosing white or brown or black models.   I don't think the guy hanging on to a rubber tube with his camera is wondering what the nationality of the surfer screaming down the wave is.  He is probably wondering when he will have duck under and keep from getting run over.

    If you want to say something, you will almost never see an african american modeling in a surf magazine.  I don't that has anything to do with prejudice.  

    Didn't Sunny Garcia and another guy do a big spread with a bunch of models in New York????  That was a; I believe, a big thing that hit some of the modeling magazines, I believe.  The other guy was the guy who won the biggest wave ride of the year.  Billabong????  I don't know these days.

    Maybe you should switch magazines and see real surfers???

  4. Well, incinuating that one race is "the best" is a biased comment.

    But.... to get to your question... the magazine you are referring to may have just had alot of whites in this *one* issue, and the locations of where the magazine interviewed and photographed surfers may not have been a location where alot of Hawaiians reside.

    If you are reading a Cali-based mag for example, youre bound to be reading about a bunch of Caucasians.

    If you are reading a Hawaiian-published magazine, youre likey to see more locals than "haoiles"

  5. You gotta be kidding me? Hawaiians are mostly asian from a mix of cultures for one thing and there are some white hawaiian surfers such as jamie obrien or the Irons brothers which dominate the lineups and in contests because they surf so well. its not about race, its what you can do on a surfboard! The magazines usually stick with pro surfers and good amatuer surfers because thats what sells. Dont expect to see some kid get published on a kneehigh mushy wave in surfer or surfing because they need to fill a quota of white people, spanish and black surfers or asian surfers in their mags. It simply doesn't work that way. They want to sell themagz with people surfing good and in good waves. I shoot photos for the surf magz and they don't care about race when publishing photos. Trust me..

  6. There are Hawaiian surfers, they just look white, the Irons brothers were raised there, I consider them Hawaiian.  Although Andy wins his money, there's no place for his ego in surfing.  Go Bruce!

  7. Get off your **** and get down the beach. There are plenty of surfers from all around the world and of different racial origins. The magazines tend to focus on the tour pro circuits. I have seen and surfed with plenty of people from all around the world.

    Surfing is one thing that seems not to worry about where your from as long as you surf with respect and consideration to other surfers.

    Respect the code respect the waves and most of all respect the ocean.

    Here is a list of non white famous surfers -

    Eddie Aikua - Hawaii

    Clyde Aikua - Hawaii

    Mark Foo - Hawaii

    Michael Ho - Hawaii

    Derek Ho - Hawaii

    Duke Kahanamoku - Hawaii

    Buttons Kaluhiokalani - Hawaii

    Gerry Lopez - Hawaii

    Sofia Mulanovich - Peru

    Itto Pakarati - Rapa Nui

    Malik Joyeux - Tahiti

  8. Have you ever heard of Andy and Bruce Irons? They are two of the best surfers in the world, and they are from Hawaii. They are white however, but they are from Hawaii. Also, a lot of the best surfers are from Australia, but they are not aboriginals. I don't see your point.

  9. The originator of the sport Mr. Duke Kahanamoku The Ho brothers. The Irons brothers. Mark Foo R.I.P. Eddy Aikau (Eddy would go!) Danny Kim who was on Surfer the mag some time back. Sunny Garcia one of the great surfers of our time, plus he is a Makaha boi.BTW  Garcia the oldest to win the title. Pancho Sullivan. Jonny Boy Gomez. Kalani Robb. Mark "Occy" Occhilupo giving he is Australian but has spent majority of his life in Hawaii. Gerry Lopez who BTW makes the best surfboards ever. There is so many of us good Hawaiian surfers and I could go on and on with all the names of great Hawaiian surfers. Its not a racial thing but I would say more sponsors will go for the better looking surfer. Surfing what has come of it!!!

  10. Magazines focus mostly on the WCT (World Championship Tour) and WQS (World Qualifying Series).

    Many surfers, regardless of ethnic background, are white. Greg Emslie, for example, is South African and white.

    There is some truth to people either being good at charging big waves or good at surfing average waves in average conditions. Slater would be an exception and is very well-rounded in any conditions at most breaks.

    Hawaiians are used to surfing places like the North Shore and Peahi. Not something you'll find on the world tour (only one leg of the tour actually stops there.) The exact opposite of Slater is Bruce Irons, who likes to say, "It all comes down to Pipe."

    The bigger the surf the more amazing Bruce is to watch and he's always a top contender. He grew up in Hawaii where the swells can be incredible and he shines. You put him in ankle slop though and he doesn't do well at all.

    Then there's the Jamie O element - he lives *at* Pipe and still can't seem to gain the recognition he deserves. Not because he's a bad surfer but because the competition is vast. A lot of the top surfers (WCT) compete in lower level contests (WQS) for points so they can requalify.

    So to get noticed, there's no racism involved at all. It's about how well-rounded a surfer you are, what your nerves are like when it comes to competition, and trying to stand out in a very talented over-populated crowd.

  11. There are plenty of very good Hawaiian and asian surfers.  Derek Ho and his brother are legends at Pipeline.  Sonny Garcia has been a former ASP surfer of the year.  Mark Foo was a big time big wave rider that Died at Mavericks a decade or so ago, and Gerry Lopez is a legand.  

    I think that the reason why the east coast surfers do better on the ASP tour is because most of the contest are small to medium size waves.  People like Kelly Slater are used to carving up those types of waves, where Derek Ho was more accostomed to the big waves at Sunset and Pipeline.

  12. If this guy go sufts i sure all the girls will die for him lol

  13. You need a a trip to Australia.....plenty of aboriginals, black as you will ever see, in the lineup, d**n fine surfers too!!!!

  14. Dude! Your English is friggin' atrocious. Your inability to read may the problem. Surfing is one of the most racist-free worlds you'll EVER come across. Plenty of Hawaiians: Ross Clark Jones, the Irons bros, Tamayo Perry, Hank Gaskell, the Ho bros, Kalani Robb, Pancho Sullivan, etc. Rizal T. is Indonesian. The Shea bros are Cuban. Bobby Martinez is a world class threat and is Mexican. So keep your "Oh, those g-d**n whites again horse#*$! out of my face, degenerate.

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