
As if it could have gotten any grosser..?

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i caught my 6 yr. old boy picking his ears and putting it in his mouth!! GAG! this makes 2 orifaces sure you can guess which the other is. what do i do, i thought i fed him enough! ha, jj. this is the height of nasty. i only knew 1 other person when i was a kid that i ever saw do this, i had no idea that someone else ever even thought about doing this! advice??




  1. put gross tasting stuff on his fingers.. thats really all i can think of.

  2. hahaha! i don;t mean to laugh... i'm sorry.. my younger brother used to do this.. try sitting him down and asking him why he does this and then explain to him that boogers and earwax are his bodys way of keeping dirt out of his body and that by eating them he can get very sick

  3. It's pretty much a normal thing for a kid to do, its how they discover their world. Try to get the child to understand somehow by distracting or taking his hands away from his ears. You cannot reason with a child this age, but at least they understand what you say. It sounds like this is more about what YOU think is gross, so I guess you will teach your child what you think is gross.

  4. gross go to the pet store and get this stuff thats supposed to make dogs stop biting their fur and use a q-tip to put it in his ears it will taste bad and maybe he'll stop but if he has that much ear wax perhaps he should see a doctor? i don't think that's normal.

  5. It is completely disgusting but it won't hurt him.  It is just like manners, teach him not to do it in public.

  6. omg that is just plain gross, ive heard of booger eating (which is still gross) but never ear wax eating

    to me thats like, eating your p**p after every time u make it

  7. Since your boy is only 6 years old. Your getting "grosse"

    has only just "begun." ~%)~

  8. Here's an idea! Why don't you ask your pediatrician if that is a sign of your child's body not getting enough of a specific vitamin or vegetable or other type of food and if so, up the intake of it and maybe that's all it is, then he wouldn't be craving it. But then it could also be a phase but I think asking won't hurt in the least and it might actually solve the dilemna.


    mom of 3 and 4th and last on the way anyday now at age 41

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