
As in the 60's, should we start staging massive demonstrations to let Washington know what we want?

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We want our borders closed and sealed, our Gov't. is going to do what they want! We need to stop these people now, Elections are fine and dandy, but in the meantime these people are destroying America, one day at a time!




  1. Squeaky wheels get the grease.  By not holding our government accountable, we are accepting their decisions.

    Your demonstration could be a phone call to your elected officials, or an e-mail, or some massive demonstration, but as long as people remain silent, issues will not be addressed.

  2. i seriously doubt you know the CONSEQUENCES of what you want.  liberals want to turn the united states into a socialist country at confiscatory tax rates.  harry reid wants to bury his head in the sand with a unilateral surrender and you want to close us off from the rest of the world.  given the reality of the effects of the pelosi/reid regime, do you seriously think anyone is going to pay attention to this.  nice thought, fat chance.

  3. Actually, the shamnesty bill was flushed away due to people e-mailing and phoning their congressmen. Besides looney left-wing extremists (i.e. The Hollywood set and a handful of washed up performers) no one really has time to organize for large-scale demonstrations these days. I agree with the border closing necessity though. Maybe it's time to pump up the phone and e-mail lines again?

  4. Demonstrations didnt do anything in the sixties, there was just too many hippies with no jobs and no life. The demonstrations obviously didnt do anything, because they didnt get out of viet nam till 1971, and that was because of the election of a new president. But i know what you mean, there are lots of illegal immigrants, there should be something done.

  5. First I wanted to address some of the answerer responses about hippies:

    1. They were not "violent".  They were the antithesis of violence...hello!  The entire idea of a hippie culture lends itself to PEACE.  Hence the 60's saying "make love not war".  Of course you had some fringe extremist groups, but for the most part, hippies were intelligent, educated, peace loving demonstraters.

    2. Yes, hippies DID change the world.  Those demonstrations, sit ins, gatherings, etc. helped women and minorities gain rights.  They opened the eyes of many American people to the lies and atrocities of war, not to mention governmental corruption.  If you don't think hippies effected history, you need to pick up a history BOOK.

    Now, as to the orginal question, which is a good one; yes, I think Americans could REALLY benefit from protesting, demonstrating, picketing, etc.  But not just for illegal immigration; there are SO many things going on in our country right now that our people do NOT support!  Our government's handling of the war, our immigration issues, medical, scientific and moral issues...people do need to stand up and be heard.

    But America is not like it was in the 60's.  Back then, we still had a sense of community, and a sense of unity, not to mention time and energy.  Today we have very little of that.  We are cynical, lazy, self-serving, and care very little for our communities or unity as a nation.  Today it is all about money, power, politics and popularity.  The 60's had that too, but it was more isolated to the government---not rampant in the general population as it is today.

    Today, you talk about taking action, or "fighting the good fight" for what you believe in, and you're labeled with all sorts of propaganda fueled dishonest labels.  Belief with temperance is also a thing of the past, it seems.

    Just my 2 cents. :)

  6. It's an interesting idea. One problem is that Americans are so afraid of being called racist that many are afraid to even discuss the problem in public, let alone march because of it. There are so many illegals already here who are so bold and defiant that they would probably physically attack anyone who is publicly demonstrating against them. In fact, they've already done so. Where I live and work in Los Angeles, there are so many illegals that if I even put a bumper sticker on my car that they don't like, my car would probably be vandalized.

  7. In the lines of Calliope's answer, there is a call for a General Strike on 9/11/07 (just that you know).

    Answering to your question... yes, if you don't have the guts to stand up for what you believe in, you only will get it by sheer chance.

  8. I do not think it should be done like the 60's, those people were flat violent and had no respect at all.  If we continue on a daily basic to flood Washington with mail, faxes, phone calls, the same to our Congressmen , Representatives etc.., they will get the message. We stopped the Amnesty Bill last time, we can do it again. We can put pressure about the borders the same way.   Only candidate I know of that will, without a doubt put a stop to illegals and will secure the borders is Tom  Tancredo, or something like that from Colorado, he is going to run for President.  I sort of got interested in him a while back, I am keeping him on my radar,  to see how he votes on other issues. I certainly do think we need new faces, new names, term limits and anyone there over 8 years needs to be voted out.  We need to rebuild it all, not just a few.

  9. You will have a problem organizing a march against illegal immigration. People opposed to the border invasion are different from war protesters. They have jobs! People with jobs or who engage in some for of commerce are not able to leave by the millions.

    Hopefully Washington got slapped hard enough with the defeat of their recent Amnesty bill.

    If that is not enough they may get the message when they try to nominate Michael "Open Borders" Chertoff to the Attorney General position.

    I expect him to take a Rodney King style beating from talk radio and the people.

    Maybe then the politicos will take notice.

    If not then we throw the bums out.

  10. I was there in the 60s, and took part.

    Contrary to several answers, we were not all pot smoking hippies, and our demonstrations did drive points home to the government.

    The violence mainly happened, when trigger happy idiots started using violence on the demonstrators, like at Kent state.

    Should the present generation get involved, and demonstrate to show their displeasure with the Government YES.

    Will they, NO they don't have the guts for the most part.

  11. Already have, but over the war, not the borders! Just had many yesterday.

    And the surge isn't working! And Bush wants another $50 Billion!

    And I don't know where you get your proof that they are destroying America. One thing is for sure, they aren't hiring themselves as slave labor on no-bid government contracts!

    Try going after the real criminals, employers who falsify paperwork as well. My, what a novel thought. Bet then some would leave!

    Why is it NO ONE wants to go after the real criminals. You would rather blame the victim!

  12. Back in the past.

    We do not even know what they were communicating.

    That's how the reality and horrors was created in past.

    With globalisation.

    They understand what the distress signal is all about.

    They are working on it.

    We can't expect miracles to happen overnight.

    They are looking into it for the good of mankind.

    Not only for those in the streets.

    But those that came too.

    In solving the mess out there.

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