
As iraq did not attack us on september 11 th doesnt that mean attacking iraq is not a response to 9-11?

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and if so how does letting al-quieda get away with 3000 murders on domestic soil fullfil the federal govenrment's constitutionally obligated duty to defend the nation?(kinda greatfull here for the heller ruling as during the next terriorsit attack ill likey have to defend myself as the feds will not care and focus on baghdad).




  1. Sure.

    Don't think so.

    Decode this lyrics " The way we were"

    Don't think it attacking.

    But response to 911.

    Blindly stepping on a hornet nest.

    With the busy bees at work.

    That got everyone at loss and blurr out there.

    Luke 21.8-10

    What do you think?

  2. that's correct, it is a attempt to reshape the middle east in bushes image.

  3. Bush and co have their own oil stealing agenda for attacking Iraq.

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