
As levels affecting university prospects?

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I got an E in chemistry for my AS level- I'm dropping it next year and carrying on with politics (A), history (B) and economics (B). Will the fact that I got an E in an as level subject that I am dropping, harm my university application, and university prospects?




  1. It shouldn't affect it too badly, but in my experience it could impact a bit, especially if you're planning on applying to a popular course/uni. What I'd recommend is retaking chemistry in january (I know, not fun) because it would help. ABB (or higher) in your a levels with a C in AS chemistry should be fine, so I'd consider applying after you've got your A level results. you can apply this year, but if you get rejections from places you want to go then it may have something to do with the chemistry AS, so don't be afraid to reapply. And don't worry too much, doing well in your A Levels is more important.

  2. no, it won't count against you. congratulations, you have been very sensible dropping it, especially if it was a subject you liked doing.

  3. No-they'll probably just see that it wasn't the subject for you. Your other AS levels proove that you're intelligent and hard working.

  4. No, not at all.  It shows initiative that you are dropping it.

  5. I can't see how it would affect it as it's all done on points isn't it...?  As long as you have the required number of points from your other subjects then it wouldn't matter at all.

  6. No if you do well in the other, then you can get a place, its best like you said to drop chemistry. But the only real problem in dropping this subject is that you will lose ucas points if you want to go to a top university. You  could also do re takes to get chemistry up to a possible C or B.  

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