
As life and civilization began in Africa, when did the sub human species/ethnic groups evolve?

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LOL Jb's answer is so freaking racist. All the proof states that Africa is, in fact, the cradle of humanity and civilization but he, like most white folks, cannot accept that scientific fact/truth!




  1. Well, other hominid species (Neanderthals, Australiapiticene hominids) were never large population in the way that Homo Sapiens became.

    Primarily because these other hominid species never developed beyond hunter-gatherers, whereas we developed farming and domestication.

    A long running theory held that Caucasians might be an intermix of Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens but that turns out to have been not the case, based on genetic tests of Neanderthal and H. Sapeins DNA.

    Check this link out, it's very interesting and I think answers you questions.

    Basically there were some major events which allowed the major ethnicities to form, but there is not more than about 70 thousand years difference in total between any non-African peoples.

    Africans on average are much more genetically diverse as a group because of the much longer human occupation of Africa vs. other continents.

    The most significant event was evidently the Toba Event, separating two branches of the human family from one another for some time and reduced the adult human population to less than 10,000 reproductive adults.

    You may also find the book - Guns, Germs and Steel interesting - I certainly did.

  2. when some of them migrated

  3. I'm not aware of any subhuman species or ethnic groups. Please elaborate.

  4. First of all there arent any "sub human" groups that exist. Different phenotypical differences I.E. skin color started to differentiate around 20k years ago.

  5. Sub human ethnic groups?  Poor wording.  They did it over the last million or so years.  Many of them migrated and then were in a situation where evolutionary pressure was applied.

    Homo Sapien  (ALL human beings) evolved progressively before migration.

    Around 25,000 years ago are dated the first Human skulls.

  6. I would say that the pre-human species evolved before we did, such as Neanderthal, Homo erectus, H. floresiensis, etc., and then they died out as we emerged!

  7. Humans departed from Africa well over 100k ago, and that group expanded out into Asia and Southern Europe and Australia. then there was some kind of natural disaster, probably  the volcanic super eruption of mount Toba, that wiped out a large chunk of the population, isolating groups of survivors and allowing them to drift apart a little genetically. Then these groups expanded out again when the conditions improved, forming the basis of today's modern races. The native Americans are closely related to the Asians as most of their population arrived only about 15k ago, not enough time to develop a lot of differences.

    Mostly racial differences are caused by geographical isolation and time. One group will get a mutation the other doesn't have, it becomes the norm for that isolated group , and something that makes them look or behave differently to the rest. Collect enough of theses differences and you have a subspecies, but humans haven't drifted apart that much.

    So the real distancing event was probably about 74,000 years ago, when mount Toba blew up. We were still using simple stone tools in Africa then. Civilisation was a LOT later.

    This is a modern human skull from China over 100k years old. The 60k to70k date for humans leaving Africa is very wrong.

    Some eminent geneticists back the Neanderthal /Erectus hybridisation theory. They just don't get the same kind of press for some reason.

  8. What do you mean by sub human?

    Ethnic groups? races ?

  9. The first part of your question is a statement, Which is quite wrong, as there is no proof. Yet there is proof that man has been around much longer than the  few thousands of years we give him today. Why don't you check out Professor Giuseppe Ragazzoni at Castenedolo, Brescia, in 1860 and again in January 1880.

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