
As long as you call it a "war" it's okay the military kills 60 children? Result of a White House strategy?

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Through related questions (but all unjustly removed by Yahoo), I have found that several users on Yahoo Answers routinely say the death of 60 children from one bombing raid in Afghanistan is acceptable because, given the military operations there are labelled a "war" (and these seem to be stock answers) "what do you expect with war; war is h**l; children are always killed in wars," etc., always making sure the term "war" is used in the answer they provide (some evidence can be found here: ). But, to define military operations in the Middle East as a "war" may not be appropriate because wars occur between countries. There was never a formal declaration of war against any country, Operation Shock and Awe and attacks in Afghanistan were never put to a vote by the United Nations. There is no"terrorist nation," which is a term Bush started using in speeches. There aren't even any WMDs posing a threat to the U.S., yet, the method of slaughter for 60 children appears to be going completely unchecked and not addressed by anyone (not even Bush) nor followed up in the media. Was the White House responsible for getting the public to believe as long as you label it a "war" an offensive military operations that kills 60 children is perfectly acceptable (and could even happen over and over again with no consequences for the U.S.) as simply "collateral damage" or something?




  1. Isn't it amazing that if a paedophile is uncovered, you will get dozens of people on here threatening to mutilate him to death. But when a whole bunch of kids are wiped out by the military, nobody shows up with any sense of outrage. The military form of paedophlia is to murder kids. I suppose they get medals for this? And their families are proud to be sure.

    But more young men become militants vowing revenge on the US.

    My freedom to speak does not depend on illiterate killers from the US, to uphold it.

  2. War is war is war is war. Children and civilians who get killed are collateral damage and many children are armed and kill soldiers too so not all are innocent. If some children do get killed incidentally, so be it.

  3. Such things happen in war. Blame the cowards who hide behind children in the first place. These people do not have any sense of morals but a sick twisted religious view instead.  

  4. This war is an illegal war. Saudi Arabia attacked the twin towers and the poor American President thought it was Afghanistan they should invade.

    One immediately senses the importance of a good educational system,

    at least in geography.

    This unintelligent move has cost America billions lost and indirectly the homes and well being of many good people. Their economy will be like Japan's for ten years- in deep depression.

    Most armies find their recruits in the dregs of society. These criminal types would cause havoc in the streets of America if they were not in the military killing people elsewhere, since most of them are not very bright fellows and have low I.Q.'s.

    That's why you get them killing each other in friendly fire incidents, killing civilians and kids. And torturing and raping women. They just cannot help themselves, being just a little above animals.

    I heard that the US government will ship the worst of these army types to an island rather than have them on the mainland once the war is over.

    So sad.

  5. That would be 60 fewer potential terrorists. Here's an idea, leave war to those who fight and mind your own business.

  6. War is such a necessary evil.  When the leaders of countries realize that it's their citizens that make up their country and not the leaders' wealth and dominance, perhaps they can keep their country from entering a war.

    To so many of those countries, war is a profit to the leaders by eliminating so many citizens that they would normally have to feed and house.

    Two of the main, sad but true, reasons for war is border disputes and Religion.

    Our "war" against terrorists can not be between countries because terrorists operate in many countries, vowing to kill each and every one of us, even by the means of using women and children as suicide bombers.

    Collateral damage has always been a result of war, and if the terrorists would not hide under the skirts of their women, those collateral statistics would change.  Sad but true.  But so long as there are terrorists, there will be women and children used as weapons against us.  Disgusting, but true.

    North Viet Nam used children as fighting "soldiers."  Do you fire first, or wait for him to fire at you first?  

    War is nasty, but I would fight to the death to protect the rights of my country and the freedom of others.

    God Bless the United States of America, our President and all of our Military Personell stationed around the World.

  7. I guess you have a point. War stinks.  

  8. This is an illegal invasion and occupation. Despite what American mass media has said, NATO never approved the invasion, which would have been required under the US constitution (treaty obligations) to make this a constitutionally legal attack.

    Even before the second invasion of Iraq, an estimated 500,000 children died as a direct result of US-led economic sanctions. Those sanctions and later bombings resulted in destruction of infrastructure and a total absence of:

    - Medicines

    - Doctors

    - Clean Water

    - Sewage Treatment (today there are standing pools of sewage)

    The heartlessness with which professional military and government people talk about so called "collateral damage" is criminal. Civilian targets have been selected in Faluja and throughout the entire invasion and occupation. The US foreign policy has been aggressive and illegal. Many believe that government and military people could be subject to conviction in an international court of law. Remember that the US was convicted of terrorism by the World Court in the Hague for its actions in Nicaragua.

    It's hard to come up with an objective set of criteria that would separate US leaders from the leaders of the n***s in WWII. Bombing civilian targets is an abomination. All good people of good conscious should be outraged.

  9. Just be glad that men and women... like my husband... are fighting for your rights to speak your mind and say what you think.... Freedom of speech.

    Now, while I don't agree with the killings of anyone, you can't look at someone and see if they are a threat or not. I'm sure you would know that if you checked into our history, like the Vietnam war... They send pregnant women in with bombs strapped to them... or children... or young men... and they feel they are going to be rewarded in the after life, and their family will be rewarded if they do this... And then you wonder why it is that we don't actually know who the enemy is??

    AMEN, you spoke your piece and you have men and women out there fighting for that right... Good for you.

  10. It doesn´t matter what it´s called. War is wrong, and killing children is one of the most disgusting things that happens in this world.  

  11. I think what your calling the Slater of 60 children is misrepresented.

    I know when my husband was over there there were "children" as young as 8 to 10 years old shooting at him and other soldiers. It is not the USA's fault that these people train and use their children to hide behind!

    I have no problem with Soldiers shooting "people" who are shooting at him or any other soldier!

  12. The military has been in the business of killing, looting, and raping for hundreds of years. That US troops enjoy killing defenceless little kids

    is hardly anything new.They did that in My Lai in Vietnam, and the guys that did it got a few days in jail and were treated like war heroes.

    Of course people wil thumbs down this like mad. Because the truth hurts.

    You will loose in Afghanistan.Just like the Russians.Time to go home.

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