
As moderator,can I delete message that has wrongly been posted so the groups member won't be able to read it?

by  |  earlier

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my partner send a work file (not for public consumption) wrongly. She is also a member of a yahoogroups i am moderating at. One day she need to send me a presentation file, as she just read my latest posting to the groups, she carelessly click 'reply' after reading the posting; then, the not-for-public-consumption-presentation-... became her new posting to the groups. Her mistake is quite fatal, especially when there is group member who have bad intention and misuse the file to create problems to my company. Since I am the moderator of the groups, can I delete the posted file? I know the file must been delivered to each group member, but I still hope that moderator can delete the file, so when one of the group want to read or download the attached file, they will face problems and become not able to read the posting. That's the whole picture of the problem... can I delete it? or there is a way to block my friend's posted posting?Thank you in advance




  1. you can delete the message within the groups web page. If emailing is finished, they sent to other members directly. So you cannot delete which is already sent to other members.

  2. Yes  if you have been assigned that right by the owner you can. Open the message and just above the message you should see delete.  Click on that, confirm, and it should be gone.

  3. moderators can delete posts by default. however that attachment that was sent wont be saved to the groups archives. if anyone in the future reads that from the group, there wont be  a file to download. it'll say 'attachements not stored'.

  4. She is probably not the first to accidentally do something like that so...there should be a policy somewhere to find out what you can & can't do.

    Every business has different policies & procedures that addresses legal issues etc. You need to find yours.

  5. I'm not sure if your friend created a new File in the Files area of your group.  If so, you can delete the file:

    Sign in to the group. Click on "Files" located on left side of screen. Locate the file you want to delete. In the last column to the right, click "Delete".  On next screen that comes up, click "Delete File".

    If she posted this information in your group's Messages archives, you can delete it:

    Sign in to the group.  Click on "Messages" located on left side of screen.  Locate and open the message you want to delete.  Right above the message subject, you will see Reply | Forward | Delete.  Click on Delete. Then confirm that you do want to delete the message.

    To make sure your friend does not post inappropriate messages on your group again, you can place her on moderated status.  Then when she posts a message, it will have to be approved by you before it actually is posted on the group site and sent to members.  Then you can approve or delete/reject her messages to the group.

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