
As most young people and about half older people want William to be next King. Can you tell me .....?

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  1. Charles is next in line in succession;his son,William,will follow after him.Too many people are not very knowledgeable about how the monarchy works.It isn't a popularity contest that seats the next monarch,but the rules of succession.The Queen takes her royal duties very seriously;her coronation oath stated that she would serve "All the days of my life" and she will do that. She lived through the abdication crisis and was brought up to never shirk her duties. She expects the same thing of her son. Charles will not abdicate for his son.He will be king one day and he will be a good one. For those of us that do know something about royalty,we've always expected that Elizabeth II's reign would be a long one,and that of her son, Charles,a short one,much like Victoria and her son Edward VII.Charles is expected to "pave the way" for his son;Charles has always been expected to make some changes,and his son to continue with more changes.But,right now,Charles isn't free to state what he wants to do;that would be extremely unwise and rude to his mother.

    And it is Charles,not William,who was part of the marriage debacle. William has never married.Charles is said to be a reasonably intelligent gentleman;he is a successful business owner.His Duchy of Cornwall is home to many organic business concerns.He also works with young people(the Prince's Trust).But most uniformed people like to focus on his personal idiosyncracies,failing to recognize that all humans are fallible,especially their own!

  2. Owh..

    Charles is a phony!!!

    His acting is so brilliant.In the public he act like he is a very friendly royalty,a good prince to be.

    But I think everybody still remember what has he done to Princess Diana.

    Having affair with an old woman whose face is full of  wrinkles????? What a stupid man he is.

    Princess Diana is 1 milion times more beautiful and smarter than that w***e(Camilla).

    I don't think that a stupid man can run a country.

    He has so many scandals when he was young and now he's old and did something absurd(marrying Camilla).

    He's not eligible to be the next king!

  3. I don't want William to be King until it is his turn to ascend the throne.

    This has always been a great Country built on great traditions and long may it continue to be so.

    "Most young people" are backing William because he is their generation;  they want another "celeb" to take the place of Beckham!  The boy needs time to enjoy his life and to discover who he is before having that responsibility of a lifetime dedicated to service thrust upon him.

    Please, give him a break, kids.

  4. It doesn't really matter what we want.  Unless Charles dies, marries a Catholic (or converts) or abdicates he will be the next king.  They cal it a monarchy because the head of state Isn't determined by public opinion.  You can just exclude someone from the line of succession because most people like his son better.

  5. I agree charlies a good man

  6. What a load of lies - where did you pluck those statistics from.

    Simple fact - no Charles - end of royal family - UK in deep trouble with a political president!!!

    I suspect you are very, very young and immature!!!

  7. Are you really on about Charles?  Your description is not of the prince Charles that I see on the TV.  The person I see is a bit of an idiot.  and that's being polite

  8. Because the media have made William out to be the popular choice and people en masse have the ability of sheep to think independantly.

  9. Have I missed something?  What marriage mistakes?

  10. Quite frankly no king or no queen would be a welcome change.

  11. get your facts right befor posting your questions on here.....for starters, William isnt married.   I suspect that you are refering to Charles....well if they put that ****** on the throne, we might as well give up now.    I for one would like the monarchy abolished.

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