
As much as girls love the Jonas brothers?..?

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lsn't it getting annoying?! like okay they are good looking and have a good voice but its EVERYWHERE more than like the presidential elections or olympics




  1. I've noticed that.  Girls willl be Girls.  This is one of the many reasons why I hate being one.  Ahh well.

  2. i know what you mean but it's not there falt and people make it sound like it is

    also everyone has a celberty crush and i suppose the jonas brotheres are so populer that everyone loves them

    i dont love them there ok but i dont think i would go around the world for them

    i might for my fav celbrety but people got to relise that if everyone loves them it slims there chance to meet them

  3. As a huge jonas fan, I am going to answer your question honestly.

    Yes. It is getting annoying. Even I, a HUGE fan, am getting annoyed. Its like they are everywhere

  4. Not really, but I'm not a fan that will cry when I meet them, but I am sensitive, so I WILL definitley cry when I hear "a little bit longer."  

  5. exactly!!

    girls are losing their dignity over them. i have nothing against them....i geuss im just Really disturbed by their wacko fans T.T

    HEY!  jonas freaks stop thumbs downing me!!

  6. yeah. so?

    you just said yourself they're good

    and no i dont think its getting annoying

    and all you anit-jonas people..

    go to the place where its always hot

    you wont see me or the jonas brothers there.

  7. yeah it's unbelievable they every where here and there it feels like they worship them

  8. yeah they are getting EVERYWHERE lmao!

    i admit i was obsessed with them for like a month..and i still kinda am

    but yeah people are waaay over obsessed

    it most annoys me though when people obsess over how nick j has diabetes...when they hadnt even heard of the illness before the jonas brothers!

    and its only more heard of cause to young people the elections and olympics are Super boring!!

    to be honest wouldnt you rather watch 3 gorgeous guys than john mc cain doing yet Another speech (not to offend anyone of course...i no nothing about american polictics).

    i would rather do that (Haha)


  9. I know!!  I saw their first video on Disney Channel and I thought they were all right.  But now it is just stupid and I hate them!

  10. I just hate commercial stuff,and the jonas brotehrs fans have already suspended two of my accounts...but im still resurrecting as the phoenix...yes,i am convulsively sick and tired of them,but i mean,these kids are not going to grow up and listen better music,is the worst of the facts...besides,disney is the antichrist of marketing....personally,i would erase them from the earth,but,what else can we do but ignore?

  11. YEAH, YEAH, YEAH!.. totally agree! its that. we dont hate the band its just their retarded fan girls!

  12. What?

    hold up!

    there is nothing good about their voices

  13. YES!!!!!! Its getting realllllyyyyy annoying! I <3 The Jonas Brothers but asking stupid questions like "whats their phone number/email/address?" is geting reeaallyy annoying. So I'm going to say this to all you crazy stalker insene phsyco freak fans..1.NO PERSON ON HERE HAS THEIR NUMBER/EMAIL/ADDRESS!!!! 2. GET A LIFE


  14. Haha. Wow.

    When I pulled this up, there even was an ad for the Jonas Brothers on the web page.

    But yeah, I think they are a little over done. But they aren't quite as bad as Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana. I mean in Walmart and Target it seems like she is on EVERYTHING. But back to the topic. Yes, the Jonas Brothers are a bit overdone. But I still love those boys! They are freakin adorable and have good voices.


    SO BORING!!!

  16. I love the Jonas Brothers

  17. who cares! we love them and we will forever!! haha!

  18. I know. Hang in there, all the hype will be gone in a couple years.

    P.S. I'm not an "Anti-Jonas" or whatever you call it but, sometimes it gets annoying.

  19. no its not annoying. besides that little comment this is a funny question.   they are just popular.  also this is like the 11th question i've answered about the jonas brothers in like the last 20 min.

  20. I know.  Personally I think they are really ugly.  Not to be mean or anything but I do.  I don't know how people are obsessed with them.  And know Miley Cyrus is starting to hang around them to get attention.  It's sooooooooooo annoying!

  21. That is funny you ask that question.....I have a 12 year old girl and she loves the Joans Brothers but not as much as a friend of hers.  They hadn't seen each other in a while because the girl had moved to a another town, but they were both at a mutual friends house and I was in the kitchen listening to this girl go on and on stating every fact she knew about them and then to talk about the new album that is out and how she absolulty loves every song but her favorite is (I don't remember because I hear them but don't focus on it) but anyways to go on about what the song means and I think she talked about them for over an hour solid..............I was thinking OMG how obsessesed are you kid..........  

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