
As much as i love Rafa Nadal, he annoys me lol what do you think of this?

by Guest61486  |  earlier

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I know he`s humble and everything but it feels like he never takes credit to what he`s achieved!!! ``i`ll probably be #2 in a few months`` why does he say that?!!! grrr If that was Djokovic he would be saying ``i`ll beat rogers record at 4years at the top`` lol If Rafa continues to play well theres no reason why he cant hold the top spot :) !!!




  1. i never thought you'll say something like that haha, i don't know why he says those things, it's like he doesn't care about being #1, after working so hard to get there he suddenly doesn't care anymore? i don't believe him, maybe he's trying to say that being #1 is not enough for him and he still wants to achieve more things, he just can't express himself the right way you know his english is not very good hehe

  2. i think he probably doesn't want to jinx it! I think it's nice that he's modest, it will make people respect him more in the long run.


  3. maybe, He knows He isn't as talented as Roger Federer to keep his Number one himself. Nadal is good but He don't have enough talent to keep number one for a long time in my opinion.

  4. I think Rafa is in the mindset of "the underdog".  Some people just play harder if they see themselves as behind.  I think Uncle Tony has a lot to do with Rafa's humble attitude.  He does have a target on his back and Novak is shooting for it.  BUT right now Rafa deserves #1.

  5. no

  6. He annoys me too but I really don't care for any of the Spanish athletes. Most of them are punks.

  7. I agree with you.  He should still be humble and take credit the same way Roger did for years.  Roger stayed humble but would state in a matter of fact way what he achieved.  I dont want him to be Roger at all, I would just like to hear him be delighted about what he achieved.  The most I saw of that was his talk with the media after Wimbledon.  Honestly I think Nadal thought he would ever REALLY take Roger's #1, and this is all new.  

    He'll hold it for quite a while, he is the best fighter I have EVER seen on the tour.

    Vamos Rafa!!!

  8. I think when a player downplays his/her achievements some people look at it as false modesty and think it's phony. Maybe he is just trying not to come off as too arrogant. He obviously knows he's good--you can see it in his body language on the court. Personally, I don't like athletes that talk a lot of smack, even if they can back it up, because no matter how good you are, you are not going to win 100% of the time. I've always preferred athletes that just let their playing do the talking.  Djokovic was talking smack recently about Federer and then lost 2 chances to replace Nadal at number 2. I mean, he had not even caught up with number 2 and he was talking smack about number 1! Talk about getting ahead of yourself! It's bad enough to lose, but when you have to put your foot in your mouth on top of it, it's twice as bad.

  9. Awww he's so sweet :).  Lol I get you're point though.  He should defo take more credit for all he has achieved !! He's done so well this year and he can defo keep it up in the US Open.  He probably doesn't want to say he's gonna be there for ages in case he isn't then looks stupid lol.  But he will be there for ever and ever and ever :-P !!  Rafa is the best, he should believe in himself more :).  

    Here's a video too :)  It's to the song Always by Bon Jovi and since I love that song I though I would post it hehe !  Enjoy :)

    Vamos Rafa !!!

  10. no, man , i think u r wrong .

  11. There's such a thing as being TOO modest...gloat a little Rafa, lol

    But i kinda like the way he's setting his expectations low and not putting any pressure on himself so he doesn't get crushed...

  12. I think that it's great he's so humble. I hate arrogance. But sometimes he does take credit "I played a near perfect game". He is proud of what he has achieved, but is modest at the same time.

  13. Mmm yeah I agree. It kinda comes across as false, but it could be his rubbish english too. When Roger was asked a few months back about how Djok said he was going for the top spot, Rog said that although Djokovic wants it people have a tendancy to take things he says the wrong way, and that Nadal wants it just as much. Nadal is a pro athelete, and the best in his game, there is absolutly no way he doesn't have fight in him. That man wants far far more than he lets on- he downplayed olympic gold, number 1, when he was looking at losing the number 2 to Novak a few months back (that seems like years ago) he made out he expected to lose it. He won Olympic gold (so he obviously cared alot), he didn't lose number 2 (he fought his guts out for it) and he got his number 1. You can't do that without determination and confidence. Nadal doesn't necessarily say the things he thinks. Hes modest for sure, and hes down to earth for sure, but when he talks like know hes not telling the truth.

    It'd be like Usain Bolt lining up for the 200m tomorrow and saying, "I;m probably going to get beaten".  We'd all know that was bulls.hit for sure!!

    I love Nadals modesty, but I also like it when athletes are a bit more honest about how talented they are. Nothing made me happier when Bolt came out and said "I'm the fastest man in the world and I knew I was gonna win that race".  I have no problems with an athletes being confident, Roger talks about winning number 1 back, Djok wants to be the best in the world (nothing wrong with that). I would love Nadal to say something like "I fully expect to stay number 1 before the end of the year". Its not gonna be that hard for him- Rogers got way to many points to defend, only comp really is Djokovic. Unless Nadal does badly- but that won't happen. Thats Ok- I mean hes prob being sort of told to speak like he does and he doesn't wanna upset anyone... just don't believe hes not working on keeping that number 1 for a second :)

    Jeez if Roger came out and said I never expect to be number 1 again I'd be pretty disapointed too!

  14. He's just modest and doesn't want to put even more pressure on himself by saying things like i can dominate for another 4 years. Rafa is doing the right things and is always continually looking to improve his game and his attitude is probably is to talk himself down as he doesn't want to get too far ahead of himself, he just wants to stay grounded and focus on what he has to do to stay at the top.

    Hope this helps!

  15. He's a nice geezer but I also think he's a bit of a monster on court. I love it when he talks but still don't like him when he is playing.

    Strange :s

  16. it annoys the h**l out me when on national television he keeps touching his muscely ****. he is constantly trying to get his pants out of his crack! in front of young children on the bloody BBC!

    but he's a ledgend, i met him last year whilst on a club tour, he's really nice and proffesional.

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