
As much some feel they may hate the Pats... I love them that much more?

by  |  earlier

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You can take your bitter distaste for the Patriots and shove it! I don't give two s***s about what jealous Patriot haters think anymore. I have all the respect in the world for other teams and teams that play well and players that play well, but zero respect for people that hate on a team just because they are good. None. You know why... BECAUSE THEY DON'T EVEN PLAY THE GAME! They just sit at home or in the stands and watch it. That's why I have no right to talk down about any other team, they are doing something I can't... play Pro Football! I will talk for hours with people that respect the Patriots and I will give nothing but respect for any other team, but I don't need too talk to people who are so sad they have to tear down a team just because they are better then yours.




  1. el oh el

    Reading's not just for breakfast.

  2. This is the Australian section mate.

  3. Who are they anyway?  

    Never heard of Pats

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