
As of right now...which World Champion do you think is more interesting?

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CM Punk- WWE (Raw)

HHH- WWE (Smackdown)

Samoa Joe- TNA

Or someone else in another federation perhaps?




  1. Hah,not even thinking about ECW!

  2. CM Punk- I think HHH as champ is getting old and Samoa Joe as champ is boring

  3. HHH

  4. The WWE Champion, Triple H!  

    CM Punk: Come on! This guy didn't even work for his title and that match with JBL at SUMMERSLAM? THAT WUZ BORING!

    Samoa Joe: This guy has gotta lose that Championship sooner or later! (to Booker T)

    So yeah, the only interesting Champion right now is The King of Kings, Triple H! And look at the match at S.S, I didn't think he could beat Khali, but he did it!  

  5. i would say cm punk he's getting notice day by day

    hhh..i've seen him champ a 11 different times

    samoa joe....nah not even  

  6. samoa joe is the most interesting right now a few months ago it might have been kane.

  7. CM PUNK - WWE Champion (RAW)

    I meant to say World Heavyweight Champion.

  8. Of the three offered up, I'd have to go with Punk.  HHH has been on top with and without the belt for a long time, so there's nothing new or interesting about him.

    Samoa Joke is just that, a joke.

  9. Im going with Samoa Joe, just because he is fighting competitiors that better show off his skills. He and CM Punk are basically in the same character, both are portrayed as the underdog in their title matches to the more expirenced former champions they face, but like I said Samoa Joe talents are better displayed in his matches, plus he is always involved in multiple feuds whether its between Booker T, Sting or Kevin Nash.

  10. Personally, CM Punk.

    I don't watch enough of TNA to see Samoa Joe, so I can't comment on that. Triple H is useless as WWE Champion for a 12th time. He's boring, says the same thing on the mic each and every week, and just loves making his opponents look like c**p. I personally prefer CM Punk.

    Punk is a fresh World Champion. He's decent in the ring, good on the mic and has enough charisma to get by. I think the next few weeks will be even more interesting as the feuds between the 5 men for Unforgiven develop. I like Punk's style and how he always tries to prove people wrong who call him a paper champion, and I like the fact that he never backs down from a challenge. He deserves the strap.

  11. samoa joe. i enjoy watching him in the ring most.

  12. CM Punk all the way

  13. Cm Punk. He worked hard for his title and I think it sucks that at Summerslam no one really paid any attention to that match.


  14. TNA.... CM Punk is getting many good matches at first it seemed like a good idea but they flushed that down the toilet and HHH is just not having matches he should have i mean it would have been great to see him and khali in a last man standing for the wwe championship. TNA is the new #1 wrestling buisness I mean a six sided cage match between kurt and joe was one of the greatest matches in tna history

  15. None of them have been especially interesting lately as WWE is promoting matches that aren't for the title over actual championship matches.  Joe hasn't looked very strong during his title reign and rarely wrestles on Impact.

    I like all three of them, but CM Punk almost never wins.  Triple H hardly ever has a meaningful match on Smackdown.  Samoa Joe wrestles on TV about once every 3 months.  It's a tough choice as I find all of them interesting regardless even though none of them are really doing anything.  I guess Samoa Joe is the most interesting right now, but mainly because I'm interested in what Sting & Jeff Jarrett are doing or going to do.

  16. You forgot ECW champ, Mark Henry.  Ok, I'm joking, he shouldn't be near this list at all.  Though I'm surprised you included Samoa Joe on your list.

    Honestly, I think CM Punk is the most interesting.  As much as he's been pushed too quickly, I know that CM could really put on a show for that belt, if they'd just put him against wrestlers that I'd want to see him against...  Jericho on Raw was a nice one.

    He's also the most interesting because he's the one I thought WWE wouldn't have pushed.  In TNA, Samoa Joe had been coming a long time, but you knew one day he'd be the top of the federation.  CM Punk was always thought to be an Intercontinental contender for the next year before being moved up.  Top CM Punk with the fact that he's gotten there without any drugs at all, and that's a huge step.  That also makes him a good role model.  Something that the WWE really needs in the federation for parents to actually accept them a bit more.

    Overall, I like the fact that WWE grew balls and did something unpredictable, making Punk a champ.  Good work there.

  17. because wwe is under using C.M Punk and  over using HHH way way way to much, I'd say Joe is the best champ

  18. Ok C. Gonna go way out on a limb and say The Worlds Strongest Man Mark Henry.(I know it is debatable if its a legit world title but I am counting it in this answer). The fact that he got the title was somewhat surprising considering how his career has gone up to that point. Then I was almost certain that WWE would cave last night and give Matt the title but surprise surprise "Somebody got their @ss kicked", and as an old timer myself I like him hanging with atlas.

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