
As oil becomes more scarce, will ocean liners again become a major mode of international transport?

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I can't see an alternative aviation fuel, so will shipping again become a major way of travelling?




  1. Don't kid yourself, oil scarcity isn't the reason for the higher costs of fuel.

    It's based on oil speculation that our dollar is weakening, it's summer, and the recent attacks in Nigeria have had some what of an effect.

  2. only if we go back to wind power. you have to remember that the large ocean going ships use a lot of fuel themselves, and the fuel they use is pretty much the same as jet fuel. unless ship builders start building nuclear powered commercial ships, diesel, kerosene, and jet fuel wont be going any where any time soon.

  3. Ships burn lots of fuel.   Granted it is bunker fuel which is whats left after all the gasoline, kerosene, diesel,... have been taken out of crude, but it is still limited.   Moving people by ship isn't really economical unless they are packed together like on a troop carrier.   Aircraft can be powered by the decay of a radioactive element when exposed to x-rays.   No danger to people since it is only powerful enough to heat the air.

  4. not very likely as people have limited time for holidays and to take4 weeks holidays for a two week vacation because the travel time would be 1 week there and 1 week back.

  5. Have to go sail power.  Any engine, run by steam, fuel, etc, still needs oil or oil by products.  It's called lubrication, without which friction heat seize things up rather quickly.

  6. That would so awesome if it did!  As long as we didn't hit an iceberg.

  7. I should think so.

    Man the oars me hearties!

  8. Uh... ocean liners are powered by bunker oil.

    Although, I did hear that a sail powered ocean liner is on the drawing boards.

    Strike that. I saw that in Mechanix Illustrated. They're always coming up with weird ideas like that, and they almost never pan out.

  9. The oil reserves aren't declining they are growing. The prices are going up due to the greed of huge oil companies.

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