
As parents are u judgemental to your kids? like do u call them name or tease them, because u don't like the

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way they look and u are embarrass if people see your child looking a certain way that u don;t like them to look, what about the way they act, what if they are trying to express who they are?




  1. No parent should be embarrassed of their child.

  2. no........maybe we dont teach them act that way but to judge them is wrong it can affect your kids life no one can love more to  the kids but parents  .... love your kids the way they are as long he/she dont hurt anyone.......who cares to anyone

  3. No parent should ever berate their child in the cruel and demeaning ways you describe.  Doing it in public is even worse.  If you tell your child that she is worthless, unattractive or anything else that is negative, they will start to believe you.  If your child thinks they are just no good, they will likely give up on ever being better.  You should do everything you can to foster your child's self-esteem.  There are no bad kids, because "God don't make no junk."

    This does not mean that you should tolerate or ignore bad behavior in your child.  One of a parent's most important duties is to teach your child what it means to be a moral, ethical and loving person.  A parent is the first and most important person to teach their children the values they will need as adults.

    The key is to clearly distinguish between the child and her behavior.  If a child does something wrong (and all children will) it is not the child that's bad.  It's the behavior that's bad.

    If your child tells a lie, your first reaction may be to tell her that she's a terrible liar.  It is much better to tell her that lying is a very bad thing to do.  Explain to her why lying is not an acceptable behavior and what the negative consequences are likely to be.  Of course you will have to do this using words and language that are appropriate for her age and maturity.

    Do not let this or any other negative behavior define who your child is.  Even repeated offenses do not make a child "bad."  It is simply a behavior that she is having trouble mastering, calling for more effort on your part to help her learn the right thing to do.

    As far as embarrassment is concerned, I don't think there are many parents who are not embarrassed by their children's behavior at some time.  The important thing is how you handle the situation.  Yelling at your child will only make matters worse.  Better to calmly try to correct the behavior that's causing the problem.  Of course, every parent knows that this does not always have the desired effect.  It may be necessary to just make the best of it or remove the child from the situation.

    A final word.  Please do not think that my calm, cool presentation of this advice means that putting it into action will be easy, or that you will always get it right.  There is no such thing as a perfect parent.  Parenting is one of the most difficult jobs you will ever encounter.  All we can do is try our best.  If we do that, things will usually turn out fine..

  4. I would never do anything like that,and just to prove it here's an example...

    My oldest daughter is almost 4 now and loves to dress I take her to the store or where ever else with me with her looking like a Pirate-Eskimo-Princess(she will wear her pirate hat with gloves and snow boots and have on her play jewelry and princess dress[one of the thousands she has] and have her little wand with her) I also still take my youngest out when her dad dresses her lol. As for the way they youngest acts like a 1 yr old so yeah there is nothing to be ashamed of there anyway,and my oldest sometimes throws fits BUT it doesn't embarass me anymore...I give her  a spank on the butt or smack on the hand when she gets outta hand but it does not bother me how she acts because rather than the few fits she trhows she is very well behaved....

    Anyone who does this needs to get punched in the mouth for saying something bad to their child about the way the look and act!


  5. No, but I tell them I have a favorite.

  6. No.  That is very immature.  If a parent is secure enough in who they are they won't tease or be judgmental about their children.

  7. I am hard on my kids. I use tough love all the time. In this I am making them stronger then the kid who gets his a-ss kissed and walks all over his parents.

  8. no, i am not judgmental towards my son, i call him a dork or a weirdo sometimes then he calls me one right back, it's our little game. he thinks it's funny. if he acts weird in public, let people stare i don't care. he's my son, i would love him if he really was a dorky weirdo!!

  9. no i dont feel what i do is hurting or verbally crushing my kids confidence but he is actually a step son an when we are out i for warn him to behave an if he dont i give him the eye an he knows hes either being rude or out wack but  i dont tell him to stop just the look or i ask him dont do that an when he tries to dress hisself i say well we can let ya wear that out lol an we joke an i assist him an what goes better tryin to teach him mathcing. an when he wines i just say we dont whine like that come on kid you a boy boys are tough an right lol some times i get frustrated im not teaching him its not ok to cry just that whining is not ok it wont get you what you want i do believe that how i do it is not gonna cripple his self esteem nor is my self esteem low i just have my way of dealing with my step son who by the way is 6 he is a good kid but he needs to know that when i joke an when i am serious an most of it i just explain i never am judgemental he will be who he is an im sure to many other ppl will prob judge him in lief but i am no one to judge althou sometimes i am a little harder on him i have twin sons so he gets the frustration at time but i always remind him i love him an his baby brothers will not be treated any differntly!

  10. No way! Why would I do that? I'm trying to build up my kid's confidence in herself so she can love who she is and go out and become a productive member of society!

  11. so my mom she likes to point out how fat i am and stuff like it doesn't bother me that i'm fat and having trouble losing the weight without her reminding with her funny nicknames and bluntness all the time.

  12. I think it is mean to judge your children when you judge your children they end up having self confidence and I am ugly i am this issues I do not recommend it it will only get you trouble.

  13. If my kids are having a sooky la la day I might tease them about being a sooky la la, but if they are expressing themselves or acting properly (not acting out) I wouldn't care if they dyed their hair pink, or got 7 nose rings. But if you do that to yourself you have to expect attention from the kids will have my support no matter their hairstyle or how much metal is in their face, teasing in fun.......I have to have something to look forward too!! lol

  14. You have to bring up the children the way you want them to behave from childhood

    they will not change in one day,

    If you have not cared for them from the childhood, you will also have to suffer.

  15. My parents did that constantly. They did not see or care about the deep rooted damage that was causing.. things lke you are ugly, you'll die alone, you are worthless, no one wants you, why didnt you die when you were born... everyone eles' kids are stronger / smater /cuter blah blah than you..

    yeah.. when parents behave  like that it's because they have zero self esteem, zero self confidence and suffer from inferior complex.. Mine did.

  16. no but i know a few moms who are this way

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