
As per the Big bang, the Universe is expanding?

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If this is the case, does this mean that the ratio of the distances between the objects would be the same? (for instance, Pluto/Sun = Earth/Sun).

Over a very long period of time, does this mean that the sun would move away from the Earth and other planets in the solar system?




  1. Solar systems are kept in balance by the gravitational pull of the bodies within. The distance between objects in systems is what maintains their relationships

  2. The short answer to this is: we don't know.  The mechanism of the expansion is utterly unknown at present, so it is hard to say how scale factors will fit into the big picture.

  3. While it is true that space itself is expanding, as noted previously, it's only over large distances that the effect is noticed. The Hubble constant is a measure of expansion by noting the speed by which galaxies appear to be moving away from us. The farther away they are, the faster they appear to be moving.

    Consequently, the space involved in distances as small as our solar system is expanding on the order of perhaps feet or even inches. The sun's gravity can easily keep this in check.

    And yes, in theory this means even the space between the atoms in your body is expanding, but by such an infinitesimal amount that things like the electroweak and strong force can overcome the expansion with ease. It's probably safe to say that they completely negate the expansion of space within your body.

    Now if only they could overcome the expansion of space in my body caused by overeating!  

  4. The Big Bang is an old cosmological theory used to explain the redshifts of most galaxies. It states the universe was increasingly expanding from since its fuzzy nanoscopic orgin where it was brought into existence by a 'Prime Observer' according to the quantum mechanical concept known as 'Shrodinger's Cat'. It said only special large-scale cosmological space increasingly expands but not 'mundane space' like that in our planetary orbits and atomic orbitals. Not to mention it never explained why the embedded objects' dimensions (another type of space) weren't expanding either.

    New theory (for now):

    Remember theories come and go. We must keep a handle on our hubris for the universe is in actuality much stranger than we will ever really know...

  5. right now gravity holds the solar system together but eventually when the expansion force is stronger than gravity every thing in the universe wil be torn apart but that isn't supposed to happen for a long time

  6. There is a theory called The Big Rip in which Dark Energy wins out and the rate of expansion increases to tear apart galaxies, stars, planets and eventually all matter.

  7. Interesting question ….. I feel initially the bodies bonded with each other with gravitation-pull , will move collectively with each other ….but the gravitational pull between them, will  keep them at same distance….but after some light years .. When space would be expended enough... There would be many  possibility… one of them is ……

    Whole of the cosmic bodies will start expending among them also. And gravitation forces will become weaker and weaker.. as ,it is inversely related  to distance. ….And then the bodies will start dis-intrigating…… upto atomic level.. …And then subatomic level…..electron and proton level…. Then those subatomic particles will break down……at this level…. There will be only mass form of energy….. And then….. ?...... I can think only but not sure………..


  8. Yes the universe is expanding everyday and accordingly to researcher the expanding rate is increasing. However there will be a stop to this expansion however no one can really answer what will happen if the universe stop expanding. Even though there are some suggested the universe will collapse back again like a rubber band. some even suggested that life will slowly die off once it cease its expansion.

    Every second past some galaxies are moving away and some are even going on a collision course.

    The answer to your question is  the planets in our solar system are locked by the sun's gravitational pull. So therefore even after millions of years our position will not change but sun might become hotter and which causes earth to become a non-habitable planets but other planets that are further away from the sun might become habitable.  

  9. Big Bang hold on a minute thats against Christianity, where does God come in picture.  Oh thats right he waved his majic wand and presto the heavens and the earth were created.  The universe was created by majic right, a being called God, the creator, who just was tired of being alone.  

  10. well since the planets orbit the sun they would have to move a away from it, but they are moving towards it and would never move away. and as far as i know objects that are further away move away faster. so the distance between galaxys further away is increasing at a greater rate than the distance between closer galaxys.

  11. gravitationally bound systems are not expanding by any noticeable amount. not the earth, not the solar system, not even the milky way galaxy. it is only over very large distances that the effects are signifcant - several million light years. actually even the local group of galaxies is gravitationally bound I think.

    the hubble constant is currently estimated to be about 70 (km/s)/Mpc, which converts to about 7*10^-11 (m/year)/m. so for two objects one meter apart, the expansion of space would mean that they would appear to move apart from one another by approximately the radius of a hydrogen atom in one year. not very fast, in other words! the effect would be completely swamped by other forces.

  12. I think only non-gravitationally bound systems separate from each other. Pluto and Earth are gravitationally bound to to the Sun.The Sun to the Milky Way, and the Milky way to it's cluster.

    I think we will find separation noticeably on the scale of super-clusters. Anything less would be too small. But jury is out on that. It's hard to measure those large distances.

    That's allI got. Hope that helps.

  13. Yes, it is true that everything is moving away from every other thing, according to Big Bang theory.

    But this movement is very small as compared to the size of the universe.

    It will take a really long time for that thing to happen which you have written about.

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