
As per this report every 20 minutes a crime is committed against Dalit. Should Govt. issue Handguns to them?

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  1. Then we can read about a crime being committed every

    20 seconds.

  2. No.  Violence is not a remedy for violence.  

  3. Yes.  Read John Lott's book "More Guns, Less Crime".  In areas with high civilian gun ownership crime is almost non-existant.  In Washington D.C., where it is illegal to own a functioning gun of any type, crime is rampant and growing faster.  If you were a criminal where would you operate, in a place where the chance is good you may find a armed homeowner or a place that there is virtually no chance of a victim defending themselves from your evil intentions?

  4. No. It is common.

    Every 20 minues a crime is committed against me by my wife. I can not buy HG.

  5. This way they can also practice for winning another gold medal in the olympics. Dalits do deserve this kind of encouragement.

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