
As "Hunters",Shouldn't we all be backing the idea of PETA ?

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You know, " People Eating Tasty Animals"..........PETA !




  1. LOL!

    I was just gonna say,

    - only if you mean the "People Eating Tasty Animals PETA!

    That other PETA is a bunch of blind, illogical loonies.

    If they had their misguided way, it would lead to the extinction - not survival, but EXTINCTION of numerous game species!

    How they can be so ignorant as to not understand that hunting is the most important tool for conservation we have is beyond me.

    Keep eatin them tasty animals, brother! :):):)

  2. all for good eating animals. If you shoot it grill it. Makes for a good weekend.

  3. ....**** PETA

  4. We should support the idea of people for the ethical treatment of animals, but I will not support their actual causes like impeding hunters and trappers activities. There is nothing anywhere that says hunting and trapping is unethical as long as you're doing it properly.

  5. CODGER is on the right track about peta. All the money that the fluffy phoo-phoo celebs give is never used for animals. It is always used to buy lawyers to harass American citizens doing legal AND productive things. What money isn't spent on lawyers is used to organize more 'fund raisers'. Out of all the billions of dollars sent to peta they may have used a couple of thousand to repair a dog shelter so they could hang a 'peta cares' sign on it. peta=big joke, peta supporters=losers.

  6. Q: As "Hunters",Shouldn't we all be backing the idea of PETA ?

    A: Truer words have not been said: You know, " People Eating Tasty Animals"..........PETA !  

    I'm a meat-hunter myself.  If I'm not gonna eat it I leave it alone unless it is rogue, rabid or otherwise dangerous.


  7. I'd not eat a bald eagle no matter how tasty, at least not until the population recovers.

  8. Only if you are a cannibal and devouring them for their flesh.* Hee-haw.*...PETA people that is.*

  9. Oh thank god this was a joke....

    'Bout to get me fired up.

  10. What I want to see is peta (notice lowercase...) actually show that they care about animals, and not just out to terrorize corporate farming.  Put their money together and build 15 foot fences along every interstate so that their precious critters (they do love ALL animals, right?) don't get squished.

    Best one would be peta buying deer tags in the fall; if not to hunt, but at least support the DNR in wildlife management.  

  11. Whew!  Better give me just a moment to put my "p**s-off" back in its box.  There now, its back in its box and the lid is back on.  Yes, I think hunters should join People Eating Tasty Animals.  Where do I sign up?

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