
As silly as I feel for asking this, I think it would be beneficial to get some answers on the problem..?

by  |  earlier

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I became agnostic and the news didn't take long to spread around my grade and school. Some of the kids have taken to saying rude things in my direction and chasing me around calling me "Atheist!" Some will talk to the people around me and ask them to relay messages because they aren't going to talk to the "atheist." And for crying out loud, I'm not atheist! I'm agnostic. When I try to explain this to them, they continue with their attacks and hardly listen to a word I'm saying. This is very..hurtful in ways and I'm afraid I'll turn violent at some point. Any advice on how to peacefully get them to stop bugging the c**p out of me? Keep in mind, these are 13.14,15 year olds you're dealing with here.




  1. My daughter is Agnostic in a Catholic school.  Even the nuns know about it, but she doesn't get harassed.  Seems like the kids in your school need some sensitivity training, which means they need to learn how to not be rude  (a nice way of putting it, ok?)  Remember that these kids learn these behavioural traits from their parents and then hang around kids who feel the same way they do, to reinforce their thought beliefs.  Sad, but true.  

    You could ignore it as much as you can.  You can also talk to your school counselor about it, too, as she might be able to give you ideas to cope.

  2. Say, "By calling me "athiest" tells me that you feel that you have some right to judge me...what does God say about that? Your actions against me tell me that you have wickedness in your heart. You don't think God's going to judge you on whats inside your heart? You should work on your own shortcomings before attacking me for what you think are mine."

  3. Well, explaining yourself doesn't help so.

    Ignore them and laugh; don't lose face.

    Ignoring doesn't mean grinding your teeth and making "Stop it." glares,  it's not being fake-happy because then you are trying too hard and your anger is showing.

    Just smile and turn around, talk to someone who isn't teasing you or get back to your work, or pretend you have work.

    It's like if a Tickle Me Elmo doesn't giggle--it's not fun, and they move on to find another toy.

  4. Are you in a Catholic school or some messed up place?  Well I'd just either ignore them or "attack" them back, verbally of course, maybe even make fun of their religion back.  You have every right.  Then again in a Catholic school it may be different and you can't, I don't know.  Talk to teachers about it, maybe, or get your parents to talk to the teachers about it since a teacher would maybe take a parent more seriously...if not then I guess you could switch to a public school, if possible, cause people TEND to be more accepting about those things.

  5. Religion (or lack of one) is no ones business but your own.  Just leave it alone and soon enough they will stop bugging you about it.  Summer is almost here.  Now if it gets to the point of harassment, then turn them in to the office.

    Good luck.

  6. LOL.  They're the ones who don't get it.  

    Humor is the best way to "get even" so to speak.

    For instance -- wear a T-shirt or a button saying

    "Agies are forever"

    "So what's an Agie?"

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