
As strong women, what should we have done?

by Guest64017  |  earlier

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I was out shopping one day with Mum and we asked directions from a guy who worked at the store. He was really charming and helpful and told us to walk up the stairs to the 2nd floor. So we did, and getting toward the top we looked down and saw this same guy directly below us with a big grin on his face as he looked straight up our skirts! Where we wanted to go wasn’t even on that floor, he’d tricked us into walking up stairs just so he could get a look at our panties.

We went back down but he’d gone and we couldn’t find him anywhere. We were so embarrassed – Mum and I both had huge blushes on our face, but also angry that this little pervert had the power to make two normally very strong women feel so uncomfortable, when it was HIM who should have been embarrassed! We couldn’t find him and didn’t check his name when we got directions, so although we complained to management there wasn’t much we could do or prove. Why can guys do that to us, and what should we have done?




  1. Someone did something nasty to you and you got hurt - all it means is that you're human. Guys can do that to you 'cause just like gals, they're human, and humans can be horrid sometimes. That person will eventually reap what they sow. But try your hardest not to be angry at them, getting angry at them is only going to make You feel worse. That's because anger is like a rash, you just want to scratch it, and if you do it it will give temporary relief but will make the rash worse. And we know what the consequences are, eventually some people just end up all miserable and angry at the whole world. It's hard but the best thing to do is to forgive this guy. And that doesn't mean just saying "I've forgiven him", it means actually in your mind letting what he did to you go, and moving on. It's the hardest thing but if you can do it, it demonstrates that you really have strength.

  2. Because some men are pigs, I gather my skirt with one hand so that there will be no free flow..if you will...while I go on any higher levels.

  3. You did exactly what you had to do. Too bad he didn't receive what he deserved. But, please, don't feel bad. HE IS the  pervert and the one with the moral problem.

  4. I am a guy. Its seem the guy is hurting business in being dirty with the customers. Do they have carmera in the store? Police should help this prevert to get some head doctors on his s*x weak mind

  5. LOL, cheeky bloke.  But don't feel upset - he was having a laugh at your expense.  Nothing to get too upset over.  Not much different to being wolf-whistled as you walk past a building site I don't think.  

    It doesn't make you weak women at all.

  6. Unfortunately there are some real pigs out there. I promise this will happen many times in your life, you just so happened to catch one of the perv's. You did everything you could, and the right thing. Now its time to move on, and just be alert.

    As women, and physically the weaker s*x we are always vulnerable to sexual predators of all kinds. You have to always be aware of your surroundings. Luckily it wasn't worse. I am not trying to scare you but you just got a first look at what it is like to be a woman in a world where men don't always respect us.

  7. You should of called the store he worked for and reported him, and reported him to mall security.

  8. what a creep

    I don't know any normal guy who would do that. I don't know what you could do any better, you where after all taken by suprise. I guess all you can do is forget about it and don't take directions from that particular creep again.

  9. No matter how strong or well armed we are with savy, sometimes things happen to us.  A store employee taking advantage of your trust and his job are serious matters. Good for you for taking it to management.  The next step would be to contact the main management office by telephone and follow up with a letter explaining what happened in detail.  They may not be able to do anything now,  but a paper trail has begun.  The store where it happened should know their employees-if not, they have a serious problem.  it may be a one time thing, maybe not.  If it happens agan contact store security first than the mall police (if it was in a mall) or city police.   This may be downplayed as a minor incident. It was not-you and your mums trust was breeched.  This type of behavior is usually not an isolated incident.  The store to a degree is responsible for the behavior of their employees.  I would not let the incident keep me from going back to that store, but it would make me much more careful.  You took your power back, you reported it.  It is the stores responsibilty to deal with him whether they do or not.  If this guy keeps it up they can open themselves up to a lawsuit.  Take good care.

  10. If he was working for the store at the time what he has done is illegal. He is representing the store in work hours. Call the manager, tell them what happened and demand to find teh 'boy' who has done this and have him reported. Write your complaint to the head office of that company even if its not that store, also report him to the mall security in writing0 they have to know tat happened. Its disgusting behaviour and it shouldnt be let go.

  11. OK .. I tend to disagree with saying that there was nothing that could be done... (not your fault BUT management's fault and lack of action)......

    firstly you didn't check his name .... BUT you obviously spoke to him and would have had a good look at his face.. and I think that had management take your complaints seriously they would have paid more attention to his description.

    secondly .. I'd go back and say as much to management ,, tell them where you initially found the little grub who perved up your skirts... and insist that they find him and reprimand him or else you might be forces to consider that they don't consider that his actions were bad.. and that you will have to change stores.... to a store that is ethical and has concerns re the privacy of it's customers.

  12. There is nothing that you could have done- you did what you should have as far as talking with management though. Unfortunately, things like this happen all the time. You and your mother just need to be more cautious and aware of the situation to prevent things like this from happening again. Listen to you intuition- if you feel even a little bit funny about a situation, then you probably have a good reason for it!

    I'm just glad that he didn't follow you up the stairs! It could have been much worse!

  13. just put on some pants

  14. send an open package to the manager of the floor where you were, with a note asking him to give it to the man with "a tweed coat:"or"brown shirt" - whatever.

    who works on his floor - and put in it a pair of cheap and sleazy granny knickers.

    when his manager confronts him with this he will have to come up with a story about why someone is sending him underwear. And you can bet his manager will watch him like a chicken hawk for any other signs that his mind is not on his work.

    Having tried reparation, perhaps you need to think retribution?

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