
As the boyos got my last question withdrawn - lets try again...?

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This report shows that Wales is the most workshy part of the UK - why do you think that is?




  1. Possi bly because it is not so heavily populated as the rest of the country.  Also a lot of the older houses are used as a second home for older folk who will not be employed.

    Read newspapers and reports with a pinch of salt.  They are screaming out for stories to relate.

  2. maybe cos everyone is fed up with arrogant english people making fun of them

  3. I am not Welsh but surely it has something to do with the mine closures. Many people want to work but if the work they've been doing for years closes what are they to do.

    You didn't have to shout at me.  I held the same job for 30 years and yes like you I also travelled far from home.

  4. There always has to be a snide who gets a dig at Liverpool, theres equal work shy spots all over this country, if you read the figures properly you'd find that the worst places are all south of Watford.  And to Mr snidey, if you do some research you would find out that Liverpool is way down the list of claimants in this country, and most of those that are come from Eastern Europe.

    By the way, I'm not Welsh but I believe them to be a hardworking country, once again most who are workshy, are migrants!

  5. They must have their figures wrong, they should have visited my village in Devon. There are more people claiming benefits pro rata than a major city. The number of "disabled" people beggars belief. I am not talking about genuine disabled people before anybody starts, but the work shy lazy individuals. I am fed up of paying taxes to keep these people.

  6. Liverpool ain't doin bad, and why are,nt you at work? LOL

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