
As the world climate crashes us to a horrible end, would you want to pursue and eliminate problem polluters?

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As the world climate crashes us to a horrible end, would you want to pursue and eliminate problem polluters?




  1. what do you mean "problem" hmmmm? do you mean those who take showers or those who smoke and work in a factory? or those who are breathing out co2? i've heard there are a lot of them.

  2. Wake up.   That's not happening, it's just so much fear-mongering.

    Relax a little.

  3. Who is a "problem polluter?"

    The woman who could breast feed her baby but chooses to use formula instead?

    The mother who used disposable diapers?

    The couples who choose to produce more than one infant?

    The handicapped person who drives a gas guzzling van, because they can get their wheelchair in and out of it?

    A small farmer who raises livestock (meat animals)?

    A farmer who uses oil based chemical fertilizers on their field, because livestock no longer exsist on their farm?

    A person who skydives for fun?

    A bride who spends foolish sums of money on silly dresses they wear once, and all the other wedding "stuff?"

    A person who has a lawn they water and mow?

    Some who wears hearing aids and gets new batteries all the time?

    How about anyone who takes over the counter, or prescription medication? (90% of it comes from overseas nowdays)

    Someone who does not spay or neuter their pets?

    How about drug adicts who are overflowing our jails and prisons?

    Or do you mean the coal fired power plants (who also supply power to hospitals)?

    Who exactly is the "bad guy?"

    If we "eliminate" the mother who uses disposable diapers do we also "eliminate" the baby, or just give it to greenies, to be raised properly?


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

  4. And when do you suggest we draw the line?  Only people who pollute from this day forward?  Or people that have EVER polluted?  In which case, you may want to sue half the industrialised world since the start of the "industrial revolution".  Good luck with that one.  Let me know how your plan for world domination goes.

  5. Clearly we need to deal harshly with the problem polluters in the US because we have air and water that is cleaner than it's been in a generation. Is the world climate crashing? It's changing but it's always changing and despite decades of hysteria about the sun, skin cancer, alar, radon gas, global cooling, global warming, rainforest loss and more, the world is still here and all of these fears were vastly overblown.

    I think what some of the true believers really want is to pursue and eliminate anyone who dares to question their dogma, whatever it happens to be this week. Line up all the deniers and gun them down? Oh wait, no guns in your perfect world, so you'll have to make them eat lots of trans-fat rich foods and hope they die of heart disease. To quote John Stossel, give me a break.

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