
As time goes by and seasons change....?

by  |  earlier

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Do you try to fight change or are you all to happy to adapt and evolve - go with the flow? Do you think it is necessary to also grow and change as the seasons do?

Thoughts please...thank you.

and just for good measure - are you looking foward to Fall? ;)




  1. I am happy to evolve and embrace change. I always look forward to Fall!

  2. Change is inevitable, why fight it.  Change is also good, as it allows us opportunity for growth.

    Not sure what the relationship is between your question and the video with the lovely lady and the violin, but I liked it anyway.

    Sure, I like the change in seasons and am happy to live in an area where we have all four seasons.

  3. There have been times in my life where I thrived on change. Other times I seem to crave more stability and resist change.

    Fall can be really nice but I'm more of a spring and summer person.

    I don't know how that woman could dance and play fiddle like that at the same time. I was impressed.  

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