
As we've witnessed over the past week......?

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has this been one of the roughest "welcoming committee's" to washington you've ever seen? talking about palin of startin to feel bad for the poor women the media is eating her alive.




  1. Ya...this is really fresh meat for them.

    Lets hope someone did enough homework to be ready for next week!

  2. Sarah Palin, will come out smelling like a rose. And she will show all of America what she is made of. If she can survive all of the Obama supporters bashings, she can sure as h**l handle being Vice President. So thank you to all Obama Supporters, for pushing Sarah right into the White House. Democrat for McCain/Palin 2008.

  3. You reap what you sow...She made her bed, now she has to lay in it...What Palin is experiencing now, may possibly be just the tip of the ice burg...Politics are extremely tough and can definitely callous you. If her skin isn't thick enough to sustain form these pressures than it will be  evident that she can't maintain her composure for the long haul as VP either. It's nice to see the possibility of a woman in such a decisive role, however, I question whether or not this is the right one...

  4. She can take it and they have already done the worst of it. What truly bares note here is the obvious lack of respect the left wing media has displayed for Obama their candidate. Blatant disregard for his request to keep family off limits is a fine example of what we will see from his constituents if elected.

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