
As we are recycle more and more shouldn't the cost of those products come down?

by  |  earlier

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the way i see it is, it cost less to make those products from recycled resources as aposed to raw material. so the cost to bring that product should cost less, but i see the cost of those products keep going up!

this is one of the reasons i dont recycle




  1. I agree. Same scam with a twist is all. Now they find that soooo much plastic is being offerred that they cant get rid of it now and it never rots. So now they can fall back on the paper bag start charging more for that and then fine you extra for using up the PLASTIC ones they made you use.

    These guys are really very ,very, good salesmen.

  2. The problem is people like the guy up above...quick to lay the blame on everyone else when he needs to look at the skeletons in his own closet.

    Some materials get weaker as they are recycled. This ends up meaning that more of the material must be used to create the same or similar product. They also have to pay to transport the items from your home to the recycling center where it is re-used. In their calculations they ignore some of the costs, and just talk about "in-plant costs". recycled products are often heavier than their virgin counterpart (paper must be thicker to avoid crumbling and such). This means it's going to cost more to ship.

    The slogan for a greener earth is reduce, re-use, that order.

    The first step to a greener life is reducing what you use. This means avoiding packaged foods, or excessively packaged foods. You cannot avoid packaged food entirely, but you can buy in bulk. When you get home with the stuff, re-package it into smaller packages, and follow the next rule...use re-usable packages for your smaller packages. Also should by stronger furniture that's going to last longer rather than buying the cheap stuff that breaks in a year or 2. Same for appliances and what-not.

    The second step is re-using what you use. Re-usable containers mentioned above is one way to re-use stuff. Another would be to not throw away that DVD/VCR combo player that the VCR quit working on. Instead, put it in a kids room so they can watch DVDs on it. They will love it, even though the VCR doesn't work. You could even give it to someone else who doesn't have one.  That box that your new microwave came in will be good for packing winter clothes in during the summer. Here's one straight from jail!!! Those labels on deodorant and other products...they can be peeled off, and used as tape! In the Coles county jail in IL (US) they roll up their commissary bags into a pole, and use it to reach the buttons on the TV so they can change the channel at night after lock-down. They use deodorant bottle and shampoo bottle labels for the tape to hold it together. They also use empty plastic peanut butter jars for glasses to drink out of, and to prepare those dehydrated noodles in. You can learn a lot from people in jail. They have plenty of time to sit and think about a solution to their limited supply of materials to work with. They use cracker boxes to hold packets of salt. pepper, ketchup, mustard, and jelly that came on their meal trays. Then when someone comes in, and wants these things, they trade for commissary.

    The third step is recycling what you use. No need in describing this one. It's already on your mind, and based on the question you know plenty about it.

  3. The main reason recycled content products seem to cost more is they are generally produced by smaller and newer companies. They are still developing technologies and building up their manufacturing processes. When either the new company grows or a large company begins to make recycled products the cost will come down.

    We need to continue to recycle and complete the cycle by buying recycled.

  4. One problem is people like you, the other is what is recycled is minuscule to what is made.   Lets say recycling keeps the price from rising so rapidly by a very small amount.   It does keep trash out of landfills so probably saves more money that way than by reusing the material.

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