
As we green up the planet and the use of oil subsides do you think the world as a whole will find it a far?

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better place? To imagine people working together to save this beautiful planet we all call home and knowing our grandchildren and their grandchildren will be left with a far better place make anyone feel as proud of all of us as I do?




  1. Not will be just the same as usuall.People killing people....

  2. Yes.

    If you look at history, we have come a  long way since the industrial revolution. We live longer, have easier lives, and our ancestors could have only wished to live in modern times.

    Without oil, our society would have not developed as quickly. We may still be in the horse and buggy days. I can only think that the dinosaurs gave their lives in a mass extinction for man to rein supreme. We have only been on this planet for 2 million years but I see the oil supply to be vastly underrated. Maybe by 1000 years or more supply.

    Humans rule, and we will use all the oil, then just move on to other powers. Nuclear, and Fusion, and Hydrogen are the next conquests.

    Just an opinion from an optimist.

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