
As we learned from Obama in one of his speeches recently,?

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American’s visiting foreign lands and not speaking their language is an embarrassment, so why didn’t Obama speak German at the Berlin Wall yesterday ?




  1. well i thought thats why he have someone that do it for him just like bush

  2. Since Obama is going to be the next president of U.S., and he is a senator now, he is representing his country (U.S.). it is also embarrassing to speak in other language. According to the diplomatic rules, Germany needs to provide an interpreter to him as a courteous welcome.

    Ordinary U.S. citizens would be in their own: culture exchange or business. If they don't speak in local language, this may lead to discrimination.

  3. No one person can be expected to be fluent in all the languages of the world. That is what translators are for.

  4. What else would you expect from him?

  5. The Flim Flam Obama Scam Man has enough trouble speaking English without sounding stupid!!

  6. I like that response, the flim flam man.

  7. Just how silly can it get?

    Are you honestly suggesting that any politician should speak multiple languages?

    I take it you are now prepared not to go on holiday anywhere until you are a polyglot then!!!!

  8. LOL

  9. Well, uhhm, ya' know uhhm, there is this uhhm...

    It's hard to translate that into German (or even English)

  10. he doesn't know german *****

    leave him alone

  11. Obama's motto -- "Do as I say, not as I do."

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