
As women tend to be more educated does it pose a threat to Islam ?

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given that their will start to question woman right or equal right




  1. um..we are equal and we do have equal rights. lets hope they do start to become educated in those 3rd world backwards countries  

  2. I am a female Muslim and I am a scientist. Right now I study human biomechanics and am doing a medical research project at a university.  This is seen as a good thing by the brothers in my masjid (I'm sort of kind of thinking about getting married...hehehe).

    Educated women are in high demand as wives, at least where I live, alhamdulillah! If the brothers feel threatened, they must kind of like it!

  3. According Islam acquiring knowledge by women  and men are highly rewarded and appreciable.

  4. no

  5. Well it is always beneficial when Muslim women are well educated. Do you not already know many Muslim women are already serving many fields like medicine, engineering, aerospace.. and many many many.... and a couple of years back , Pakistan made a very first women fighter pilot in all Islamic world and also many western countries...

    did you that many western countries do not even have laws for a women to hold premier/presidential offices...or high ranks? and many many years back Muslim made Benaizr a prime minister of an Islamic country... while western countries dont even let women come in front?

    and btw, i dont call it freedom for women when you only call freedom to show your body... or display women as a s*x product....

    women are indeed our valuable gems and we know how to protect and take good care of them...

    but if you are reffering to poor nations, which happen to be islamic too..have these problems becuz of their culture and society but not as something to do with islam.

  6. No not at all.Upon  Women in Islaam it is obligatory to seek knowledge just like men. Yes They must be both well educated Islaamically first then they can seek wat ever education they r allowed in Islaam. Coz then they will no wat types of education r they allowed to have with out crossing the boundries of Islaam. They will also no how to use this education in the correct place with out aiming just to make money but to seek Akllah's pleasure & to help others.Only those Muslimahs will be  threat who will not keep this balance. Our religion is not sperated by our worldly acts instead wat ever act if done with correct reason & attempt it turns into Ibaadah(worship) & we r deff rewarded 4 it..

  7. Not in the slightest. Women in Islam are educated they are lawyers, Doctors, scientist, professors, Surgeons, lecturers etc. I think its safe to say you need an education to be hired as one of those, no?

    In Islam the father treats his sons and daughters education the same you are to make sure they both receive the highest of education.

    Islam is ALL for women's rights. This question just goes to show you know very little about Islam.......

  8. Hadith - At-Tirmidhi 5287, Narrated Abu Kabshah al-Anmari

    The world has only four types of people:

    A man whom Allah provides with property and knowledge, in which he fears his Lord and joins ties of relationship, acting in it towards Allah as is due to Him, this man being in the most excellent station.

    A man whom Allah provides with knowledge but not with property, who says with a sincere intention that if he had property he would act as so and so does, their reward being equal.

    A man whom Allah provides with property but not with knowledge, in which he acts in a random manner ignorantly, not fearing his Lord respecting it, or using it to join ties of relationship, or dealing with it in a right way, this man being in the worst station.

    A man whom Allah provides with neither property nor knowledge, who says that if he had property he would deal with it as so and so does and has this intention, the load they have to bear being equal."

  9. Actually we see quite the opposite. The more educated women are, the more accepting of Islaam they become. The majority of reverts in the US to Islaam are educated women.  

  10. Islam encourages education for both sexes

  11. Everything poses a threat to Islam.  Why do you think they're blowing everything up all over the world?

  12. No, not at all. In Islam woman is to get educated as much as she want.

    A woman should be aware of her duties and rights the same way a man is required to know. And in Islam, woman is to get educated ~!

  13. no,

    as for women's rights read this

  14. Salam my dear friend.In Islam men and women are suggested for having knowledges as high as they could since childhood upto before die although we should go to china country.It is said in Muhammad pbuh 's hadits.Men and women have equal rights and obligations except certain affair which is in line with the difference in their function.

    Man is a leader in the family and woman as vice leader.Man should search income for the cost of living and woman as wife would be pregnant and raise children.Educating children and serving house works should be performed by husband and wife..

    Educated women are not a threat to Islam and also to husbands.Allah will  give a higher grade or level for high educated muslims men and women.Islam required muslim men and women to have high education

    because science without religion is blind and religion without science is lame.Science has important role for development of a nation.Allah spoke also in the Qur'an that the fate of a  tribe (nation) will not be canged if the tribe( nation) itself do not try hard in its effort to change it.

  15. Read my article on how more educated women are prone to more domestic abuse!!!

    very strange fact>>>>

    Educated women pose threat to men in general,not islam or any other religion in particular

  16. It empowers Islam and not vice versa.

    about woman rights : the prophet (pbuh) said" النساء شقائق الرجال" and that means women are equal to men.

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