
As you all know im out with an injured nee, but ive been thinking my life over, should i quit golf?

by  |  earlier

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i mean, i want to go on a spiritual journey and expand my mind with drugs, and magic dancing rituals.




  1. yes

  2. no never give up keep going and have fun!!!!!!

    and also have fun with drugs too lol!!!!

  3. way go buddy. way go

  4. oh please quit then

    have fun with drugs

  5. Yes maybe you should quit golf and finally learn how to spell.  Knee.

  6. Quit golf......Definatley ......"Tiger woods"

  7. Cany you do the s*x and drugs and still play?  wouldnt that be the best of all worlds?

  8. Well Triger I never knew you at all.Just take a beer mug and slam it into that knee repeatedly .The hospital will give you the drugs for the pain after you are completed with you're magical dance between hits.

    Just keep hitting until you drop perspiring badly in and out of consciousness.You will find all you are seeking.

  9. No, don't quit golf, it's your livelyhood.  Stay focused.

  10. never quit !!!

    until your body is totally broken...

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