
Asassinated vs. Murdered?

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how famous do you have to be to be asassinated instead of murdered




  1. you dont have to be. we can easily take care of that for a one low price of 599.99

  2. You just have to be in a position to make decisions that infuriate people. (but benefit some). Like head of a big organization, or a politician..etc

  3. assassinated probably  if you are repersenting something that some dont believe is right hahah/

    murdered, **** anybody could be murdered/

    (but assassination is premeditated murder basicaly)

  4. I think you have to be famous enough to make the front cover of a tabloid magazine.

  5. I think that the only difference is that when someone is assassinated they were a political person who stood out, and if you are murdered its just a killing. Both of them really resolve nothing, the only thing that they resolve is the person who killed with a heavy heart and a bad conchence

  6. One of them just sounds fancier. Anyone can be called assassinated if they are murdered.

  7. You have to be in the spot light somehow.  I personally think that is simply a way for people to say You and I aren't important compared to other people.  If you murder someone who is in the spot light then you can say they were assasinated whereas if it's just you and I we were simply killed ie murdered.  I respect police officers and other people who are charged with the protection of society but I have a problem with them using all of their resources to find a cop killer and only so much of their resources to find someone who stabbed a mother of three.  All people are important but somehow many people in society have forgotten this.

  8. good question, have a star, and i have no idea

  9. Assassination is a poltical murder

  10. you had to have stood for something positive ......

  11. I don't think u have to be famous, just hated... why?

  12. assassinated usually deals with political people

  13. Both achieve the same results. No matter if you are famous or not you still end  up dead.

  14. If someone is paid to kill you then you are assassinated.  If they kill you for free then you are murdered.  

    NOTE - the payment does not strictly have to be money.  It could be for political gain, promotion etc.

    In order to be assassinated at least one person has to have heard of you in order to hire someone else to kill you.  A murderer does not have to know who you are.

  15. Assassination is political murder. So, one has to be a political official of some sort.

  16. I think you really don't have to be famous or well known to be assassinated.

  17. president or a famous celeb that someone is jeolous of..

  18. It's not so much famous I think as what the purpose behind the killing was. Someone getting mad and killing someone is murder; someone killing for a political reason is assassinating.

  19. u have to be a person who everyone knows murderd is a non famous person who is killed

  20. You could be a Journalist that  has written against attacks by a Government or soldiers of a country on human rights.

    Examples ,Argentina,Guatemala, Honduras, Bolivia,Brazil, El Salvador most of all was known for political killings.

    The origin of the word is to be found in The Middle East and was first brought home to The West during The Crusades. The term Assassin for the people which assassinated Crusader Occupiers in a quest to rid themselves of their occupiers.

  21. Assassination, according to Franklin L. Ford, "is the intentional killing of a specified victim or group of victims, perpetrated for a reason related to his (her, their) public prominence and undertaken with a political purpose in view." It is usually an answer to an alleged political crime, the latter being generally defined as an offense by which the criminal betrays his allegiance to principles or persons that bind the political order, or by which the criminal challenges or hinders the political authority.

    "Murder" is when someone gets killed and then there are different degrees of murder depening on the circumstances.

    Try Wikipedia for more info on the degrees of murder. (Murder 1, first degree murder, etc.)

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