my son will be entering 6th grade, 1st yr. middle school here, from special sheltered inclusion program elsewhere, a huge step. I have the meeting with school district (Commitee on Special Education here in the states) soon to help determine what will help him in his adjustment, and am afraid of being uninformed. Can't afford advocate fee ($500 here!) I will go to (org?) site later today. any parents or teachers, etc. out there who can tell me how (& which) types of help were beneficial? people say getting an aide, for example, can backfire cause they don't have special training. he will have to be in regular class. he is not athletic, definitely cut from a difft. bolt of cloth, and I fear he will feel like he doesn't fit in. (a valid concern here) He is also funny, sometimes well liked. but can get very discouraged. lonely. what has helped that you've noticed? I'd be grateful for any answers. Our district will try to save $, maybe at his expense. I feel unprepared