
Asbestos roof disposal?

by Guest10757  |  earlier

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My son, who is as thick as s^%t has just fell through my 8 ft x 12 ft shed roof, It is the corrugated asbestos type. I want to replace the entire roof with a tin on, is it ok for me to dispose of this at the local council tip or does it have to be done professionally.

It is an ex council house





  1. do not touch broken asbestos sheets

    any dust inhaled stays in the lungs

  2. Check with the council.normally you can double bag it and seal it and the council tip will take it. Otherwise you can get a special skip. It is at its most dangerous when being broken up though so be careful of all fibres seen and unseen. If you do decide to diy it might be an idea to soak it with water to keep fibres to a minimum. Good luck

  3. You must wear a mask and damp everything down first, in order to prevent small  particles from blowing away! I would contact your local council first for advice, as there maybe procedures in place to handle asbestos situations, so you cover yourself in any litigation claims from neighbours further down the track!  Have a great day!

  4. far as i know you have to phone the council and inform them that you have it and then they refer you. you are not supose to take it away yourself as they need special breathing aparatus to do it plus your neighbours will need to be alerted also. dont mess about with it anyway yourself.

  5. Hi Donna..........I live in a totally different area than you......But put a paper mask on and bag it in black plastic bags and dispose of it...........You might just lay furring strips on your old roof just the way it is and put the new metal roofing right on over the existing just have to put new  fascia and barge boards around all edges.........or strip the o.s. with strips of the same metal..............all the best........just ware a paper mask around the dust.

  6. Before you decide to dispose of the roof - consider overlaying it.

    If you do have to replace the roof  - asbestos cement is classified as hazardous waste. You can take it to a licensed tip - but you have to notify the waste disposal authority first. They will issue you with a waste consignment note. The tip will not accept the waste without one.

    You will need to double wrap the waste in strong polythene sheeting to transport it to the tip.  

    One of the answers published is to "give it away". DO NOT DO THIS. The 1999 prohibition regulations made it an offence to supply asbestos.

  7. yu can do it yourself, but you will need to contact your local council to obtain a permit for disposal. they will also give you advise on how you should wrap it for safety and tell you whcih sites are able to accept it (in my area it is only a few of the tips, not all).

  8. Notify the town about asbestos removal immediately. They'll call someone to remove it, under law

  9. you have to have it done by a professional.

  10. NO   NO  NO  NO

    Your local Council Tip will no longer accept any asbestos based materials.

    The small care home my wife works at had this problem last summer (well, no one fell through the roof). Their brick built shed was only 8 x 4 and an asbestos removal contactor charged them £200 to remove and dispose of the 2 corrugated sheets involved (which personally I thought a rip off but 2 other quotes were around the same). But price will vary according to where you live, I am in semi rural East Anglia - which is a low wage area!

  11. asbestos needs proper removal.  You might be subject to fines if you are caught disposing of it yourself.

    If you are in the States, try 1-800-GOTJUNK

  12. The material you relate to is of asbestos cement board. it is not dangerous providing it is in a solid matter and no cutting is carried out. You do need to contact a specialist asbestos removal company as they are registered to dispose of the material. For immediate safety soak the damaged piece with water to contain any loose fibres and with all safety clothing place the damage piece into a bag and seal with tape. Inform the specialist asap. This could be costly, contact the local council for any grants that may be available.

  13. You can dispose of cement bound asbestos yourself.  First make sure of your disposal site.  Most councils have one - but only one - with a sealed skip for cement bound asbestos.  When you're working with it, wear a mask and keep the boards damp.

  14. Not sure where you are, but in the Uk, you can do this if your local authority has a tip that will take asbestos reinforced cement.  You do need to seal it up though and when doing this damping it will be fine.  Asbestos cement is pretty safe as the fibres are locked in and wont fly around.  If you want to wear a mask, that will not hurt.

    Before you trash the whole lot, including any good sheets, just look in your local paper.  If you see anyone advertising that they buy and sell concerte sectional garages, then you may find someone who will take the intact sheets from you for nothing.  I managed to get paid for a garage that I wanted to get rid of, including the asbestos cement roof.

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