
Ashrams...can you tell me about them?

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specially the amma ashram in France and Osho ashram in Pune or any other one uve been . thx!




  1. Visit


    Founded in 1926, the Sri Aurobindo Ashram has grown, under the Mother's guidance, from a small group of two dozen disciples into a large diversified community with almost 1200 members. Counting the 400 students of the Centre of Education and the hundreds of devotees who live nearby, the larger ashram community consists of more than 2000 people.

    Situated in a busy city of over 700,000 people, the Ashram is not a quiet place of retreat but a vibrant centre of life in a modern urban setting. The dynamic character of the community reflects the life-affirming aim of Sri Aurobindo's Yoga. Work as an offering to the Divine is an essential aspect of the Yoga, and all Ashramites do a certain amount of productive work each day in one or another of the Ashram's departments.

    In the sadhana or spiritual discipline at the Ashram, there are no obligatory practices, no rituals, no compulsory meditations or systematic instructions in Yoga. Sadhaks are left free to determine the course and pace of their sadhana in accordance with their own natures. But the general principle of the sadhana is the same for all: there must be a surrender to the Divine and an opening to the Divine Force so that it may work to transform one's being.

    The Ashram is located in the eastern part of Pondicherry. Ashramites live and work in a large number of buildings spread throughout the area. The focus of community life is the Ashram main building, usually called simply "the Ashram", which consists of an interconnected block of houses, including those in which Sri Aurobindo and the Mother lived for most of their lives. At its centre, in a tree-shaded courtyard, lies the Samadhi, a white-marble shrine where their bodies are laid to rest.

    The Ashram provides its members with all they need for a decent and healthy life. Various departments have been organised to look after the basic requirements of food, clothing and shelter, as well as medical care. There are also libraries for study and facilities for a variety of cultural pursuits. The Ashram is administered by the Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust.


    Pune, India

    Welcome to this beautiful campus situated in the pleasant residential area of Koregaon Park, Pune, some fifteen minutes by air from Mumbai (formerly Bombay).

    Video Clips of the Meditation Resort

    This lush contemporary 40-acre campus is a tropical oasis where nature and the 21st Century blend seamlessly, both within and without. With its white marble pathways, elegant black buildings, abundant foliage and Olympic-sized swimming pool, it is the perfect setting to take time out for yourself.

    This is a place where you can simply relax and where you can also enjoy the company of visitors of all ages from over 100 countries. You can choose if you want to do something, or if you just want to rest, swim, meditate — or just to be.

    You can learn simple Osho Active Meditations, techniques specifically designed for the contemporary over-charged mind and stress-impacted body.

    You may like to nourish your body-mind-soul with a stunning selection of individual sessions, like bodywork and massage, and longer workshops and courses — all designed to help you become more aware of yourself.

    Or perhaps experiment by learning new life skills and acquiring tools to take home, that will help you remain relaxed even in the busiest of workaday environments.

    The key to relaxation is awareness, being a keen observer of all that is going on both inside and around us — this is the inner science, often also called meditation.

    And while we each walk this walk alone, it is more supportive and more fun to share the process with others, whether during the various daytime activities, or in the evening — trying out a new meditation technique, or enjoying an evening a party, dancing, or the plaza café, watching or participating in live theater events or just going to the movies.

    Above all this is a unique environment created through the awareness, humor, and celebration that each of us brings to the table.

    "Every year thousands of people visit this luxurious resort… A very comfortable paradise where you can stay a long time, with low-budget hotels nearby and very good food in the commune, with meditations free. The atmosphere is really like a fairy tale. A paradise where all your emotional, bodily and spiritual needs are met. I can advise everybody to visit for a few days and walk around that beautiful garden where everybody is friendly."

    Elle Magazine

    "It was the sheer beauty of the place that I first fell for. Meditation was in the very air."

    High Life,

    British Airways Inflight Magazine, April 2000

    Some of your choices at the resort:

    Osho Multiversity

    The Daily Meditation Program

    Work as Meditation

    Or just enjoying doing absolutely nothing

  2. Dear Melanie,

    I wandered amidst the hills and dales, 'til I found what I was looking for....

    1) New York Ashram

    2)Canada/Nova Scotia Ashram

    3)India Ashram

    If you need more informtion, just type "Arunachala Ashrama" in google search, and you'll know what I mean.

    I pray you find what you seek!

  3. I do not want to lose $10 at Pune Osho asram, I did not enter.

    Amma Asram is open free anywhere for a spiritul hug with AMMA when present.

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